
Alternate Headline: Drunk Racist Uncle kicked out of house by Marine.

Just finished “Ready Player One” again, and started on the Thieves World books.

Exactly - that’s what Dunford essentially said in his statement.

He is taking the lead from Gen. Dunford, Chairman Joint Chiefs who essentially set the tone with his “Until such time as we receieve direct policy from the White House in colsultation with the SecDef”

Willing to bet Neller does too.

Some of the most vile things I have heard directed towards First Nations folk are from my Trump hating, liberalish? Canadian friends. Amazes me.

Funny enough, I got it from our current SecDef.

I have a friend who is a stay at home dad, and yeah he has gotten bent out of shape over Shout Out To Moms posts before.

Only reason I can see him staying

Exactly - my philosophy always was “Can you cover my six? All I care about”

Especially since SecDef Mattis And Chairman Joint Chiefs Dunford did NOT know this was coming. I wouldn’t be surprised if either resign.

JFC, if I lived downtown I’d complain if I COULDN’T hear.

Semper damn Fi :)

Muwller is also a decorated Marine officer. Donny hasn’t got a clue.

Someone remind me - Saint Working Class still has 3 houses, right?

Every reverent Sanders Supporter I know is all about co-opting others pain and suffering through history for their hurt feelings. BernieBro = racial slur. Losing the primary = disenfranchisement.

She isn’t? I would vote for her in a heartbeat, despite her obvious handicap...of being Army ;)

Oh, I see you have met some of my FB friends...

Yeah, I probably should have gotten it on my chest, as I want Hugin and Munin on my back, but oh well :)

Same - EGA on my back, going to get unit patch one of these days. Semper Fi!