

The best time to ask is, when they ask you “If we hire you, when can you start?”.

In theory, you should never sign an apartment lease without intending to live in the unit for the duration. But lie happens

Real ID wristbands

Self cleaning floor. That’s a feature!

I think in the context of a chat, especially a group chat, the ability to type quickly is really important. In a group chat, no one’s waiting for you, and even if you have a great idea or some important information, if someone else beats you to the punch, you lose. I see many slow typists get frustrated in group chats

Not everything has to be cleaned up or repaired. For example, where I live, the carpet has to be replaced every 7 years. In my case, the cats have clearly used the carpet as a scratching post, but the landlord said “That’s alright, we have to replace them anyway” and I got all of my security deposit back.

It’s happened to me at least three times, usually when I order online from another store’s inventory. Sometimes, I can’t take it back to the store, because the nearest local store is over 500 miles away. Or worst yet, I can take it back to the nearest local store, only to be told that the particular store doesn’t use

I am not a lawn expert, but my understanding is that gypsum helps break down the salt accumulation in the soil. My understanding is that these salts can come from man made sources like road salt, but also tree leaves can accumulate salt (and I assume deposit it back into the soil). Since the salt will keep on

I did it as a soil amendment. It does definitely help with the water absorption. My next door neighbor runs his irrigation all summer long, and his lawn still turns brown, I only ran it once (for spring start up), and it stayed green for the entire summer on rain water (and my next door neighbor’s irrigation).

It could just be a coincidence, but hitting my lawn with gypsum appears to have dramatically reduced the amount of water in my basement. I only have one year of data, so it’s too early to draw any conclusion, but gypsum is supposed to the help with compaction and allow more water to be absorbed, so it makes sense

By the same token, does Toyota need to rename the Highlander because it doesn’t benefit the Scots?

I see LEO/EMS/FD refuel with the engine running all the time. I also have never seen these LEO/EMS/FD get chewed out by the gas station attendant.

Perishable items could be exposed to unsanitary conditions or to animals. Animals may harbor bacteria or disease; never consume food that has come in contact with an animal.

$800 for an ambulance ride is CHEAP! Are you sure that you’re not missing a zero there?

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what the “fee” is called. I could care less if it’s doc fee, or if it’s going towards paying off the dealer’s coke habit, as long as the car is cheap. Deal with out-the-door price, and these “fees” become irrelevant.

When I buy a car, I’m very clear with the dealer that I’m interested in the out-the-door price. When the finance guy tries to upsell the extras, my reply is “Can you do it without changing the out-the-door price” “I’ll take it if it’s free” “I’ve got a buck” etc etc. They get the message after couple tries.

I have a foreign name (not standard English name), and I use it as a test of the person I’m speaking with. Is he going to botch it, or is he knowledgeable enough to know the phonetics of where I’m from? Is he going to ask how to pronounce it? Am I going to catch him off guard? Is he going to ask about my name and

Yeah, why should we expect drives to know about such minor feature like this when half of the drivers are too stupid to even operate the turn signal properly.

I think you mean LA Confidential