
People strap their deer to the hood all the time.

Doesn’t matter where they're registered. Once the ship's in intentional waters, they can burn whatever they want. Hence two distinct fuel tanks on many of these ships; one for domestic travel and another for international.

I guess that means I can’t stretch out my gift card by paying $1 off the card and the rest in cash 😣

With this hack, do I have to pay for the entire purchase using the gift card? What happens if the balance  isn’t sufficient to cover the entire purchase?

If I’m kidnapping someone, I doubt I’m concerned about being charged with false documentation.

I thought about notary too, but that’s also relatively easy to fake. After all, it’s just a stamp with some signature and numbers. Not something difficult for someone who’s determined to kidnap someone.

Except, the letter doesn't prove anything. If I'm going to kidnap my child, what's stopping me from forging my spouse's signature? I can even go as far as setting up a fake contact with a burner cell.

So, why is weed brownie OK, but people freak out over bubble gum flavor vape?

In addition to firearm safety, please teach your kids about blade safety. I see too many adults who just don’t know, and can’t understand why I freak out when someone hands me a knife or scissors blade first.

No lift please. If anything I’d like to see it dropped by an inch or two.

Not all failure modes are zero mile failures. 

Yes, life is risk, life is unfair... But that's no reason to not try to better your odds.

Maybe this is not a small thing, but...

No, they need to increase the bullshit fees and eliminate the points. I don’t mind paying my using-my-car-to-it’s-full-potential tax, but I mind my insurance company screwing me for three years.

Instead of outright revoking the license, why not restrict it until the fine is paid  off. Maybe restrict the license so the driver’s only able to drive to work and some predetermined grocery store.

Buy someone lunch and ask for a favor.

No Top Ramen, no PowerBall. We just bought something well within our means, and kept a low cash reserve (enough to buy two new cars, just in case they broke), rolling everything back into the house. Oh, and we were DINKs at the time, so big expenses.

Mat Ishbia, president and CEO of Wholesale Mortgage

So, put a red flag on the cargo?

I paid off my 15 year note in 2 years. It feels good, and it builds the financial discipline to keep in saving.