Alternatively, they settled on 19 years since that’s the most number of years required to capture all calendar permutations.
Alternatively, they settled on 19 years since that’s the most number of years required to capture all calendar permutations.
Except it wouldn’t save that much of complexity. For embedded electronics of this era, 8-bit words were common, which allows for representations from 0 to 255. Even if it were a 7 bit word (common at one time for ASCII), that allows 0 to 127 (hence Y2K, year data was often stored as 7-bit words). To restrict data to…
The engineers never expected their customers to live longer than 20 years from purchase.
Never make fun of your boss on the internet. (It’s a tribute Doug, I swear!)
The issue is Medicaid is the payer of last resort for poor people. It was meant as the floor for health payments. It was never intended to support the general population. This is analogous to asking why someone making $80K doesn’t qualify for low income housing.
Would have been very helpful to put the author blurb/bio at the START of the article. “...a single-payer activist and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.”
The problem is who is going to pay for it?
Yes, some medical prices could be cheaper, but we need to put value our doctors and should at least pay a small premium/gratuity to them for keeping us alive.
The American nation is so big and the government is so overdrawn that in it’s current state it’s not going to ever work…
(plus whatever their company kicks in if they have insurance through work)
Medicare is not without cost. Recipients buy supplemental insurance. People need to educate themselves on how the system really works.
“Tens of thousands of Americans die a year from lack of health insurance”
While I’m not against a single payer system, I think one argument that comes up too often, as is shown in the header photo, is that healthcare is a right.
No, healthcare isn’t a right. Healthcare providers are people that went to school to learn a skill... you cannot entitle yourself to their services. People aren’t…
“Medicare for All” is a misnomer.
“But no bill, including Jayapal’s, is enough. No bill, on its own, could be enough.”
Medicare For All only works if the 35 million illegal aliens in this country are denied access to it.
Pick better martyrs, he was a danger to the community (a sex trafficker)
Jewish people can think critically about Israeli policy, the same way Americans that are against Trump aren’t prejudice toward white people. HOWEVER, it is legitimately not possible to separate aggressive anti-Israel rhetoric from antisemitism. Israel must exist because the Jews were almost exterminated, and could be…
Israel has done some terrible things in Palestine, and I agree that criticizing that history and those policies isn’t the same as anti-Semitism. But if you think Israel/Palestine is a simple, black-and-white, good-vs-bad guys story, that may not be anti-Semitism but it’s also not the kind of self-questioning…
Well coonman didn’t get accused of rape so him going to work is fine
Oddly, not really. It’s a very common myth, but it’s actually Americans that work the most and get rewarded the least.