
Its not that she crashes, its that no crash has ever been her fault. Also, on multiple occasions, she put her hands on other drivers in a fit of anger, seemingly taking advantage of her gender whenever it suits her. She just seems like an insolent brat to me, her being female isn’t really part of the equation.

UPDATE: Danica has already crashed her car, and blamed everyone withing 100 yards for the incident. She then physically assaulted another driver on pit row, but thats ok

I can’t wait for some dude to win the Daytona 500 in a few years and be like, I was one of those dudes talking shit about Danica Patrick on a forum, and I then proved my point by winning the race she couldn’t!

WHY do we keep assuming actresses/actors are so intelligent? They can play intelligent people, but they’re just good at memorization. That doesn’t mean they have ANY political savvy/knowledge.

Good, I was seriously worried she wasn’t going to show off her lack of skills at least one more time.

Dear Sirs,

Two things of note. The commitment to the DACA debate is a red herring. There’s no commitment to a vote on any particular immigration bill so it will be railroaded by McConnell and Ryan in their respective bodies.
Also CHIP did get funding but its because its already going to see a reduction. CHIP was being funded

Of course they made a decision for purely political reasons. Just like they support DACA for purely political reasons. DACA is a political issue, and the people legislating it are politicians.

You’re the twat that thinks the needs of undocumented immigrants are greater than american citizens you dumbfuck. Why don’t you just live in Hait and tell us how great it is to live there.

“DACA recipients are exactly the kind of immigrants we want to come here.” This is a slap to the face of all legal immigrants. Go KYS.

I said Americans, not illegals or Mexicans.

Americans don’t want DACAAAAAAA

They gave it up for three weeks. And when it comes around then, CHIP will be off the table.

Dear god, a woman who made her name as a prosecutor is considered the 2nd-most progressive senator?

The only ones that blinked are Dems. McConnell ain’t voting on shit. Then they’ll be back here in 3 weeks. 3 weeks where the GOP will be able to frame the argument proactively. You will see talking heads all over planting the seeds that if they shutdown again, it’s the Dems that care more about immigrants, that don’t

Wow such revisionism do you live in Yugoslavia?

Hi- immigration attorney here. Still an odd choice of enforcement for someone just living life as a green card holder. But perhaps he applied for something recently that made the adjudicator look back at his history. Because that’ll lead to enforcement action. If they thought he had a criminal conviction that is a

I’m pretty much of the opinion that if you’ve been a cop for more than a year or two, and have never reported on another officer, you are a dirty cop. This guy carried these opinions around with him for 20 years without another cop saying word one. In fact he was promoted to a position of leadership. “The City of

Until the non-racist cops stand up to the racist cops, they’re all complicit.

It’s all officers who see abuses of power and turn the other way, it’s all officers who know at least a few racist cops and see no problem with letting those cops get back on the street with Black people’s lives in their hands, it’s all officers who tell “small” lies on their reports to avoid getting themselves or