
“We”? I bet he does it so he doesn’t have to deal with you always wondering if he has a girlfriend.

STFU already. You keep posting the same shit. We saw it the first time.

Why do you keep bringing up race? This isn’t “The Root” - It’s Jezebel. Full of white self-loathing chubby single girls.

So men are to blame because they won’t marry a woman over 30? If you’re a single woman over 30 - you failed. Your odds of ever being married are slim to none.

Well, to be fair, this is just a bunch of single women blaming men for their own loneliness.

You’re still single, aren’t you?

You’re going to be single for a while.

Which explains why the odds of a woman over 30 getting married are on par with winning the Powerball.

If a bullshit review can cost them money, then the product is shit.

Hyundai uses MUCH more modern tooling and assembly than Subaru ever did.

it’s ok, we were all teated at one point in our lives.

You are asking the wrong people to stop you. Hell, we are about to start a fund for you.

They get child support, so it all works out fine.

Some dudes deserve it , but most all women deserve it more. Fucking leeches, they are.

lol. Who is paying the child support?

But women won’t have control over their bodies if you do that.

lol. Don’t run Hillary as a candidate if you don’t want to lose. She had a 35% approval rating. Who the hell was surprised she lost?

um. the Democrats believed Hillary was a viable candidate. Can’t blame Russia for the failure of the DNC.

lol. as if they needed a reason to not vote.

Shouldn’t be too much of a slouch. It’s rated at 301 horsepower at 6,600 rpm and 267 lb.-ft. of torque at 4,700 rpm