There actually *was* a Vietnam war. You were saying something about effective protests and Vietnam?
There actually *was* a Vietnam war. You were saying something about effective protests and Vietnam?
Counterpoint: If the Democrats would do more voting and less running of their mouths - and possibly not nominate the least-admired woman in recent history - they wouldn’t need to riot and protest because they didn’t get their way.
Why bother? Everyone reads the grays.
Everyone reads the greys first on Jezebel.
Protests don’t do a damn thing.
you’re a shill.
They are the rioters and looters we always see during a “protest”.
You’re confusing Torchinsky with that loser, Orlove.
French onion is a safe bet, always.
They don’t pay you enough, Jason. Keep doing what you do - it’s appreciated. And don’t follow Orlove down the path of clicks & politics. It will alienate half of your fans. Do you want current clicks or a legacy of awesomeness?
Shut up and vote. I did. That’s why Trump won. I get to remain silent and let him do what he promised. You get to shout and complain. It will take a while to undo all the wrong Obama did.
The ACLU can’t do shit if you’re guilty of being here illegally. Nobody can. For good reason.
Fuck Jezebel. Nobody gives a damn about fat ugly liberal women.
Well fucking move to a safer country.
it’s so true.
Trump is president. something you or any of those kids will ever achieve.
6 or 7? so fucking what?
yes. illegals.
So America isn’t that bad, huh?