
It always looks the same, never gets polished. Looks just like it did back when it first started out

looks the same as last years model?

Chrome ftw, it has built in bookmark sync and just feels faster/cleaner

@TheGM: They are well known for editing comments that they just "disagree" with. You can't have a rational conversation with a hate group

Block Jezebel in your hosts file, they are just attention whores. They will not engage in rational conversation. Its 100% pure man hating website and should be shut down for hate speech

@Jacobm001: Whats at the area that needs to be patrolled ?

He should put it in a box and mail it overseas somewhere, some random country no one ever hears about

looks like a huge waste of recources

Wish they were safer and redesigned

looks beautiful to me

looks good , hate the example colors but it seems nice

Using this will cut down on bandwidth that websites pay for, saving them money. I say lets go for it

looks like a jag I hate the front end

Matte cars get a lot of hate , but It looks great on this bmw m3, would love to have it. Nothing wrong with being a little different, beats some "candy paint" with huge chrome rims

The guy should sue the court to help them better " understand"

@JSharke: Tmobile cant legally block certain types of speech just because it doesn't morally or politically agree with it

I love how #2 has a place for your gun

The owner of the BMW should sue the Jetta driver directly, then it will be up the jetta driver to go to his/her insurance company and hope to recover.

@JSharke: If I pay for the communication service, I have the legal right to communicate what I want over it to consenting parties , this is free speech