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    why hasn’t this game dropped in price yet? It’s been steadily sitting at the 50 range for quite some time.

    why hasn’t this game dropped in price yet? It’s been steadily sitting at the 50 range for quite some time.

    I can absolutely vouch this thing is worth a hunt, I mean it BLOWS WIND IN YOUR FACE ON ENDOR, it pumps COLD AIR on HOTH.. that alone is pretty fucking cool.


    y’all need better eyes.

    This thread, Aids

    you get me.

    that unicorn must feel like this.

    I’m gonna go play it right now actually, because it was that good.

    I love the way this guy handles his old 3DS. N3DS > 3DS.

    RIP Nervesoft, my Xbox avatar still wears a shirt in their honor.

    whoever bought a console with that game preloaded on it, sorry for your loss.

    The new-shape of punk to come. Refused are BACK

    Sounds like Las Vegas.


    I was there, at one point the reddit page was at almost 5k people. Ready to witness the Esteban tribulation that would take them to Xenu.

    UGH! I hope Knights of Sidonia gets a simulcast soon..

    3DS: Bravely Default, XBOX: Neverwinter, PS4: Bloodborne & Axiom Verge.

    Claustrophobics welcome!

    This game solidifies that Nintendo is running to be the underdog in the console race.

    DerpCAKEDERP is about to get a lot of friend requests.