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    hammer horror. Yes.

    That cabal cut ain't cheap! just adds more dumb shit and not worth that price tag. I have a vhs tape!

    Occulus support is NOT happening. confirmed.

    I did too. Still feel the sting of that.

    There are going to be tons of other games coming out exclusively for every console that in 6 months you won't even give a shit about Destiny anymore.

    you spelled Fisting wrong.

    Been on a FIFA kick due to World Cup, also been tackling Guacamelee on X1, waiting to play Valiant Hearts, slowly finishing Watch Dogs, and after reading below I might pop Red Dead in for nostalgia's sake.

    does anyone have a preference as to which platform to play this on? are they the same resolution & fps? just curious, not trying to stir shit up..

    great track. Ubi is killing it with soundtracks to their games.

    I am on board 100%. I am a huge ALIEN fan and it seems this is the game we've been praying for. Thank Weyland Yutani!

    just FYI, I purchased the Touro 1TB HD last week and it's been treating my XB1 right, load times are WAY shorter and games seem to download and transfer real quick. A great buy and thanks for that article!

    just FYI, I purchased the Touro 1TB HD last week and it's been treating my XB1 right, load times are WAY shorter and

    this looks way fun, however, I want to see what the on-screen graphics look like..

    worth it? I wish it came with a Thermite Rifle instead..

    so this is what Halo is gonna look like too huh.


    I dunno , but I'm enjoying the game for what it is. an online hacking battle clearly.

    nudity? NO WAY

    I did this mission as well and totally biffed it and landed in the water myself.