
Does any PS3 early adopter remember the first PS Store? Now that is much worse than the current.

You need to learn the definition of fantasy. Anything that is imagined and not real is a FANTASY.

Militia is my all-time favorite CS map.

I own Spirits Within on Blu-ray. It's a solid film just not one that should've been called "Final Fantasy".

I loved Crysis 2 and purchased it on 360 because my PC can't handle it. This looks beautiful but will I upgrade? Nah. The core game experience, story, etc remains the same.

On my birthday. Too bad I don't have a PC that can handle it nor would I pay money to do so.

The flaws in Uncharted 2 were minimal and I think Uncharted 3 will be a success either way. I still need to preorder.

I've got this poster and like it a bunch. It hangs right next to my imported Final Fantasy XIII poster with Lightning and Snow.

They are changing lights, cameras, etc. Everything is still going by the script so this is still not representative of actual gameplay. It's a technology demonstration.

I'm sure this will be like the Wii's version of Ninja Gaiden Sigma for part 3. Will this really lure people to buy the console? Same with Arkham City when it releases for Wii U.

I want to see a real Zelda game running on this platform. This tech demo is nice but it's all scripted. There is no real A.I. system running in the background taking cpu cycles, sound engine, fully functional UI, etc. An actual game would look different I'm sure.

The Konami Press Conference is here:

PS3 owners have Metal Gear Solid 1 which the other platform won't get. 360 owners have Mass Effect 1 which the other platform won't get. Looks like we have a stalemate.

Yet no trophies for MGS4. Come on Konami!

Now playing

I wonder if the Butler will show up at E3 this year. Anyone remember the "Truthphones" video from Mega64 last year?

I see this as a good thing, although I hate spending so much money on dental visits even with insurance. Ugh!

The feeling I get watching real videos like this is one no game can ever replicate that nor would I want it to. I respect those guys for being braver than I.

Will be playing Brotherhood soon. Currently going through ACII on 360 (already got the platinum on PS3). Game runs and looks better on 360.

The article title "Dead Wrestler of the Week" isn't appropriate.

It's a military action. Why don't you bash them for using guns and wearing combat gear. Go for the gold next time.