I don't understand
I don't understand
All the initial vehicles were cool (Volvo, CRX, Motorcycle,). It all went down hill from there (Range Rover, Prius, Lexus SUV, Grand Cherokee).
I'll just go back too wishing I had an E39 M5 now.
@Neener: You have a Rocky?! That's sooooo cool.
@digginit: Or any Auto Union Grand Prix car.
@pauljones: I've got the same one in greenish yellow! I bought it a few months ago for a buck.
Check it out.
Ugly truck in beautiful shape.
I might do this, if I hated my job and was about to quit, but I wouldn't film it and I sure as hell wouldn't do that douchey pistol hand gesture. But we all must recognize the contribution this idiot has made to the world, and that is the soundtrack. Just listen too it!
Wheel arches don't revolve, the wheels revolve in the arches.
Did people really have personal howitzers in 1812? Those were the days.
Very nice Lotus,
@Shamoononon: It depends on the store too. I had one last week at the Middlebury Coop that understeered like a pig. Also, I usually put the heavy stuff, like liquids and meat at the bottom and lighter stuff like bread on top to lower the CG. It helps, trust me.
A relatively small, seven passenger, diesel suv that probably gets pretty good mileage and has some off road cred? I approve.
Not changing/ maintaining fluids.
That's awesome. I am now determined to finish my go kart before summer ends.
@jodark: I just sang that out loud to myself.
@KeyserSöze: Mmm Poutine.