And the first part of his statement isn’t any less disturbing:
And the first part of his statement isn’t any less disturbing:
“When I was [a BYU student], we had guys get in trouble for this stuff, so I think it’s a problem.”
There are a lot of people I will give my empathy and understanding for. Repeat drunk drivers, people who choose to get inebriated and get behind the wheel of a vehicle of their own volition multiple times are not one of them.
He spent the day learning about quantum computing, and understood it well enough to talk about it? A politician that listened, processed, and could answer a question to that knowledge!?! If only the rest of the world was that lucky.
This article brought paid for by Conservative party!
Patrick, great job reporting on this, consistently some of the best writes up on the scandal that I have seen.
I actually did some pretty extensive research into the Kennedy (specifically Eunice’s) involvement in institutional reform for mentally handicapped children (she is afterall the person who started the special olympics) and I walked away uncertain about Joe’s decision to lobotomize Rosemary.
Maybe the ad is targeting male Trump supporters, and writing off women who vote for Trump as a lost cause at this point?
My right to undergo expensive healthcare(that i might not be able to afford...) due to my negligence and moronic bragging trump your caution and pleas for regulation.
I wonder if she’ll live. I’m just happy only her stupid ass was hurt by her stupidity. I grew up in a house with guns. I have STRONG feelings about gun control. We need a whole lot more of it. How about licensing people with guns. Basic shit.
That bronco chase made me super late getting home and I was grounded. Even though my mom watched the chase and cell phones weren’t a thing.
he uses computers all the time. computers love him. he has fantastic computers, with many many friends.
Sad Mutt is sad that mutts are not allowed to compete in the hot dog competition. Sad Mutt knows she’d flatten the competition in the agility contest