
Yeah man, every cop that I know or have talked to has stories. From what I’ve heard just existing in those kind of negative situations shift after shift year after year.... just hollow you out over time. Breaks you down. I mean there’s some places that are easy to work, just chill and give out speeding tickets... but

The cops I’ve met all told me its 20 or 25 years for them to get full benefits, but I’m sure that varies depending on where you live/work. If they do the full time though its pretty cush from what I hear and you can always get another job. They do well enough if you can make it through unscathed.... Again tough job,

What sucks is that those cops that can recognize that their nerves are frayed or are starting to have PTSD or other mental/emotional effects from their job are not always given the proper outlet to retire early and leave the force. I know one particular cop (friend of a friend) who went through a tough situation. A

I know when you buy a crate engine you get a full wire harness. It would be nice if manufacturers sold complete replacement wiring kits for their cars. Flooded cars could then be more reasonably brought back to life without the high probability of electrical issues. 

Based on the number of seconds of time difference I have a feeling the GT2 would have taken the record even without the body kit. Then again who knows how many pounds of actual front and rear downforce it generates. Maybe I’m underestimating the effectiveness of that aero kit. I respect Porsche and I think they take a

This is very true. I’m now older and a normal considerate and more or less safe driver. However during my younger years I would speed everywhere and I treated speeding tickets in just that way... A fee for my speeding. I had a license from a state that didn’t assign points for any moving violations that were from

Wow, yeah, when you put it that way... Do people really leave their cars for a full day or nearly that in a public charging spot? That is definitely not a cool move and its legit to be charged for that kind of behavior.

If Porsche really wanted to prove its point it would take a bone stock GT2 RS with no aero kit and beat the record. Or not. But either case, go back and see if that makes a difference. 

Statistically speaking said meth head would remove him/herself from the genepool while doing an itchy scratchy rock run rather quickly. 

For some reason I always remembered the F90 concept looking like this:

I’m here to let everyone that’s ever wanted a Lambo so bad it nearly hurt know that even Lambos get old. Yup, I said it. All my childhood I dreamed of owning a Lambo. By the time I turned 37 I had amassed enough money to finally buy one. Nope, not new. Despite that, having a gated manual shifter in a 2008 Gallardo was

Seriously. That most important of all features on a car blog... you know actually being able to go back and forth in the comments section with other jalops.... has been broken for what feels like weeks now. That should be the priority. By priority I mean all development on anything else and all work period should be

I was never a fan of the Model S interior in the first place. Cheap plastic, too plain and boring. I can’t believe they “redesigned it” and made it this much worse. It looks like a complete cheap piece of shit now. Good job Tesla. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always applauded the company for pioneering the industry

I’ll start by saying I’m on your side of the argument. Hate the completely bland, featureless, plastic interior of the Tesla. I find it funny that some here are arguing about how they’ve redesigned it. Holy crap I didn’t think you could make it worse, but they did.
One thing you mentioned about climate control zones

I’m absolutely in the same category as you. As I’ve now moved into my early 40's I no longer care much about speed. I’ve had AMG’s, supercharged M3's, and Gallardo among other fast hardware. Now that I’m over speed the car I chose as my daily is a Mercedes S550. Its cush, comfy, spacious, great stereo, and its what

Thanks man, I really enjoyed that read. It did take me a second look to realize that it is a gruesomely ugly vehicle though. The rear is OK, but that front on a coupe just doesn’t work in my mind. It feels like the car is aerodynamically backwards... Brick wall at the front, and actual beautiful flowing design all at

Op Ed: That butt is absolutely disgusting. Don’t get me wrong I love a nice ass, but that butt is not nice. It looks injected, fake, way large and not proportional. And if THAT is the ass that got the most views on twitch... well I guess it tells me a lot about the brainless population that frequents that site.

Honestly your whining and winging is annoying. The best part of this article were the official press release quotes. If you want to write about a car, do so, tell us what you find technically, mechanically, or stylistically interesting, talk about the feats of engineering. But to complain paragraph after oozing

As someone that owns the previous generation S-class, absolutely yes. More screens, more lights, more neon, more colors, more nightclub lounge in my car in every way please. I love the new dash that’s coming for the EQS... I’ve had a lot of different cars in my life, ranging from a $2300 Ford Probe when I was 17, to

What, nobody is going to suggest that he pray for a car or the money to afford one?