Robert Durst
HBO Star
Robert Durst
HBO Star
Just found a Charlotte McKinney and Titus scene lmao
Great Uncle *arf* had me ROLLING. I was like “I didn’t catch that the first time.” And apparently there was a reason for that.
Thank you. Not even surprised that my state has Hot Brown listed.
Try skipping the intro when it loads.
Got the ending I wanted! Am gonna have to go through and do some different choices though.
“So far, the season has tried to hold Molly and Issa at equal fault for their friend-breakup, but ‘Lowkey Movin’ On’ places almost all of the blame on Molly. It feels unfair to her character”
it IS mostly Molly’s fault though.
i have resisted this sentiment for a while, but once i read his Martin Short tirade here, i give up. he just hates to laugh. his Simpsons reviews are just as insufferable.
lol he doesn’t even know the history of the show he hates to review
good thing it was?
black don’t crack
why wtf?
it was also, y’know, the season finale
I kind of take umbrage with Ego being 2nd tier, as she’s been in a LOT of sketches this season. Still, I do agree that she tends to be ignored in discussions of the show.
and good Lord, what a terrible fucking take on Martin Short.
I hope next season, we go a LOT of episodes before we see yet another fucking Pete Davidson/Chris Redd music video.
RIP. His record company shaped a lot of the early 90s R&B sound.
Yes, but when do they become the Juniorest?
Completely agree.