
But her emails.

made an effort at engaging in small talk until my engineering school-honed social skills ran out.

There’s only one, true test to tell whether or not he’s black. Have him get stopped by the cops, and see what happens.

White America loves the trope of the genial negro. A character who neither challenges the misperceptions Whites have of minorities, nor their dominance. Once a person of color begins to move outside the stereotype; then their behavior is labelled alarming or dangerous.

Did they really every try to hide it that well in the past?

While not the only way used, voting is a good way to put minorities and the poor in their place, to tell them they don’t matter, they have no voice and no one cares about them.          

This is the worst of all takes. She’s really not. Someone with such a small fraction of indigenous heritage whose connection to it is a single story about a single ancestor who no one can actually say even is Cherokee (remember, the US government at that time kept extremely good records about the indigenous people

Holy shit, there’s literally a version of this story where the white woman walks into his apartment after him, shoots him and kills him, and gets away with it. 

You are getting remarkably close to whataboutism here...

I have a feeling that if this were EA or Activision, there would be paragraph upon paragraph of editorializing on the evils of crunch. Yet since it’s Rockstar, a Studio We Like (tm), the worst thing written in this article amounts to a light slap on the wrist with a reminder that hey, Everyone Does This, such as other

Please tell me the internet has ended this woman.

Yep. And people still wonder why I tell folks that these “people” are the real danger in the world. It’s not going to be long before theses right wing traitors start getting violent. Be safe out there people - and consider carrying a weapon.  They aren’t going to stop and you are more important than them.

Some folks actually believe that calling someone ‘racist’ is so powerful that they struggle to NOT use it in the wrong context all the damn time, just like this schmuck. Like somehow the accusation represents justice in the making.

it’s a good thing he wasn’t a Professor at Harvard, he might have been in the clink all night.

Joke’s on Kerr. His driver, Mike Brown, had already left.

I can’t concentrate on anything in that picture after seeing their matching ears.

Oh, this is an old tactic: When you call out the problem YOU become the problem. Women who call out sexual predators are ‘trouble makers’. Minorities who call out racism are ‘race baiters’. LGBTQ folks who call for equal treatment under the law and an end to discrimination are ‘attacking our way of life’. I could go

It’s a lot but not too much to be an unrealistic amount in such a scenario.

It’s a little strange to me that you already know that your price is for something like that.

I made some “improvements”

Enforced patriotism isn’t real patriotism.