
I am willing to bet anything that Sammy Sosa grew up being roasted for his dark skin, from friends and from family. I know this because I grew up in a Latin American country, and it is very common for your own family to talk shit about your skin color, to deal with a thousand barbs about how “you would be handsome if

To be fair, he did categorically deny it by saying “the events he describes back in the 1980s simply did not occur, and I do not know why he has claimed them now,” and by thereafter referring to it as an “alleged” event.

The gag is, troll, that in your urge to win the oppression olympics you gave yourself away by saying you are looking forward to the next White renaissance. Because you all have already had a White renaissance. It’s called The Renaissance, and it was three centuries long.

I actually liked Kali’s interactions with El. If we see her again but not the rest of the punk gang I’ll be happy...

So far I haven’t seen any tweet *really* meriting the 280. Just more seemingly profound statements that everyone laughs at in the replies, with their pithier 140 characters.

If you think “my plan” as you call it has been failing because these predators didn’t know exactly what they were doing, and were just missing a convenient bullet-pointed list of “don’t dos”, you’re a damn fool.

“What is your plan? What is your suggestion? From what I can tell, your suggestion is to continue with the status quo and occasionally yell at men who do bad things. That is not working at all.”

I am reading your comment verbatim: “trying to push women to get their stuff together” are your words. This is putting these actions on women.

I find it very interesting that your response to these stories is a) to blame women for not “getting their stuff together” and b) hand-wringing that you need to stop potentially problematic behavior instead of exercising caution, because after all, some women somewhere enjoy getting their asses grabbed by strangers,

What is subjective about having your personal space invaded and body grabbed without your permission? Women “distribute” very obvious guidelines every damn day (ironically, by talking about it with horrific stories that you discount as “not change.”) You’re just not listening.

Was it really that hard to understand?

JFC. As a man myself, I simply do not understand why basics of respect is something other men find so mysterious.

Because cis white gays HATE other gays that dare to be the least bit effeminate or ‘sissy’ and thrive while doing so.* Tom Daley and Cheyenne Jackson, yes. Chris Colfer and Sam Smith, no.

Why does Laurence Fishburne in a reverend outfit look so right?

I honestly cannot relate to anyone who seriously considers Future cool and Russell corny. I mean if we’re going to be comparing notes, Russell is a fine-ass NFL athlete who is an absolute sweetheart. In what universe is that not what you’d want? The gag is that a sexy white NFL player who’s devoted to his family is

Also I had to do a double-take when I saw Florence’s picture. In that pic she looks a lot like Lupita Nyong’o.

I like representation too, but “self-hating, closeted bully” is sooooo tired. I was giving The Mist a chance on the other day and got the same bullshit within 3 episodes. If there are gonna be gay characters, I’d much prefer more interesting storylines that don’t fall into the same well-worn grooves.

People dared to offer Bey the role of the fucking feather duster or whatever in Beauty and the Beast and this is her payback. NALA. What a legend.

I love a Eurocentric comment on a Tuesday morning.

I was fully expecting at least one of Billy or Max to have psychic powers, and I was a little let-down when I realized their main powers were being groovy.