
Yea, I don't get it either. I wouldn't call the epilogue "providing closure" at all— Offred's fate is left uncertain, and the cold, academic way they describe Gilead was unsettling after reading an entire book based on one woman's experiences.

Celeb cameos feel like such a weird, unnecessary addition at this stage in the game. The Sigur Ros one at the wedding at least felt organic, and they're not immediately recognizable— but there's no way to make this look like something other than "popstar Ed Sheeran at a Ren fair."

Oh God, this is Hitler and the art school all over again isn't it? Someone get this overgrown liver spot into Juilliard before we get another Reich.

I kinda liked how ambiguous the original teaser was. Now that I know it looks like Cabin Fever meets Cloverfield Lane, I'm a teensy bit less excited to see it. Still, A24 and the Krisha director being in charge are both good signs I suppose

What did you see? I've always been curious about this sighting.

I think that's part of the point, that they have basically made the Gestapo look and sound pretty bureaucratic and mundane.

The race aspect still straddling a slightly ambiguous line for me, because on the one hand multiracial characters clearly exist in Gilead (as soldiers and handmaids, for instance), but on the other all the top dogs are clearly lily white. I'm fine with it being different form the book, but hopefully they continue to

Her "quietly desperate" character on Mad Men made me quite optimistic actually. I actually really enjoyed her subplot with Pete, although I may be in the minority with that. Happily she's getting to show even more range here.

Cash to support the regime is the obvious guess. In return, the free nations look the other way to enable trade with Gilead to happen, so they are also somewhat complicit. More or less how the world works now, if you think about it…

I'm not going to shed tears for rich people anytime soon, but not getting what you paid for, fair-and-square, sucks no matter who you are.

The 1 Word, 10,000 Tone Language!!! Mandarin speakers hate him!!!!

That's covered in the 300-level course, "You Just Don't Understand Their Warlike Culture, Man, Also The Vikings Are Cool."

And to top it off (this goes out to the parents who think this is a waste of money): the instructor is not just some academic professor whose income comes from teaching and research, it's literally a guy who made a ton of money from his conlangs. And I think the demand will get higher as the interest in sci-fi and

I think Fallon works best as a supporter on a team. He at least has some sense of playing a character and comedic timing. The world made a terrible mistake by putting him in a solo role (I mean, I get it— an inoffensive young white dude was basically a shoe-in for a Tonight Show lead).

I thought Paltrow was decent in Contagion, although to be fair to Laura she was just playing a carefree rich white lady in that movie. We did get a nice meme out of that one scene though.

Those aliens were sharp. They picked the one city in the world where no one owned a decent camcorder to do a random, leisurely fly-by.

I still think Rec (original version) is the high point for found footage horror. V/H/S has its moments too.

I watched this movie called The Phoenix Tapes '97 on Prime the other day, and from reading this review it sounds more or less identical. Kind of a shame, I love this sci-fi stuff.

When I played Rain World, the first impression was that it reminded me a lot of playing Heart of Darkness years ago on the PS1— that game also had a frustrating, sluggish movement scheme. It becomes something that is used by the game to inflate its difficulty in a way that is a bit artificial, but you end up enjoying

juztpazzingby coming through with the hottest, most rebellious take of 2017!