
What's funny is that it's actually canon that Daria wasn't ugly and/or pudgy, she just wasn't "girl next door attractive" like her sister. In that episode where the silly modeling agents came to visit the school, she was identified as having an interesting look.

It's just a complete mess. One of her latest tweets was a "mea culpa" (sort of) where she was so offended because she and Zayn are both PoC trying to make it in a white music industry. Which is all well and good, except *she* made it racial by responding that way to the crazy 1D-ers.

It's a combination of her ratchet NYC lingo and general abbreviated Twitter speak. Either one separately and you might have had a chance, but together.. well, let's just say it takes some practice to get used to.

That scene actually made me so anxious. At any moment I was expecting the High Sparrow to pull out a dagger. The scene was excellent for how unsettling it was.

Oh, I definitely know about avoiding music— Chris Brown won't ever see a dime from me (which won't hurt him, unfortunately).

She's one of my problematic faves. Some of her music is sooo up my alley but she's such a crazy person.

Pablo has been one of my TV crushes since I saw him on Weeds, although the pornstache did make it touch-and-go for a while there…

Hey now. The nom was for 'A Now His Watch Is Ended', which had a *fantastic* scene for her. She gave us goosebumps in a made up language, which bespeaks some talent worthy of a nom, I think. Maybe not "Catelyn Stark wailing like La Llorona" but pretty close!

My take is that the Waif went through Arya's training, but she is caught off guard and maybe jealous that Arya progressed so quickly. I expect there to be some tension if Arya becomes Jaqen's favorite.

The wolf head did seem kinda small compared to the fully grown direwolves we've seen so far. And it would be kind of funny for Ramsay, with his fondness for dogs, to be faked out by a normal wolf head.

I agree. The whole "Fuck Olly" meme was kinda funny at first, but mostly a bit of a groaner. Should have been "Poor Olly"— poor kid was doomed to a tragic life. It would have been interesting to see some sort of redemption on a long timescale.

I'm confused- does 'shocking' mean 'grotesque' (as in 'eyes crushed like grapes') or does it mean 'unexpected' as in other parts of your review? It seems you're conflating them.

For now I think it's the second thing- Bran only thinks he can influence the past, but it's just a dangerous illusion that will catch an unwary novice.

Jon Snow's resurrection seems rushed, but I for one am SO GLAD that they didn't drag it out for some kind of midseason finale.

I thought it had something to do with going into the past in the first place- like, a novice can get stuck if he's not careful and sticks around too long in the past. Kind of like learning to hold your breath for longer and longer.

Coming from someone who loves a good hate-watch, I jumped ship (snerk) after the S2 premiere. Just cruising the comments to see what people are saying, and evidently things are not getting better.

You realized two white girls are bad guys too, right?

They're the bad guys because they let the power go to their heads, not because they're "black, disabled, and sexual assault victims".

Well, at the end only Sarah keeps her power, and the other two girls (Nancy's lackeys) lose theirs. Sarah's a "natural witch", so she'll always be an outsider. Sarah's the least evil of the bunch but IMO that doesn't necessarily equate to 'most conformist'.

I don't know what's funnier, the tone-deaf "STEM Overlord" original comment or the multiple histrionic defenses of essentially a silly pop culture site. I think we're all taking this shit way too seriously.