Did you seriously just bring your bank balance to a discussion on the internet? Fucking hell, go on, tell us how big your cock is.
Did you seriously just bring your bank balance to a discussion on the internet? Fucking hell, go on, tell us how big your cock is.
“ATV and motorcycle enthusiasts”? You nuts? These are all trouble making morons, every single one of them. Would be nice to know how many of these bikes and quads are actually legal. Insured. Not stolen. And how many of these idiots have licences. I suspect “not many” is the answer to most, if not all of them.
If only there was some sort of fixture they could mount above the driver to protect him/her. Something with pillars to support it. You could even add a glass bit in front o protect the driver from debris. Can anyone think of such a system?
If it was a black guy this image would’ve been 8k HDR.
Wheels with 16 volts.
I had one of these (albeit an actual van, not this flatbed contraption) for years as a work van. Max speed was about 65mph, and the acceleration was astonishingly poor. Tough as an old boot though.
Dude. Porsche. Pop up headlights. End of discussion.
“This was the lightest we could get for this power” and also he says he likes being disruptive.
Already found a buyer.
I’m not known for my subtlety.
This woman’s been doing this for years, I remember seeing a crusty shitty old merc somewhere in London which had shitloads of bedazzlied crap falling off it, literally had massive patches where it fell off and left a layer of glue left behind. This must’ve been 5-6 years ago, fuck knows how she’s managed to work her…
Dunkirk was a load of overhyped shit.
You couldda just AR-15'd the fuck outta that fire.
My sister in law had an Astra 1.4 (2006 I think). We went on holiday and I drove. I told her the car had issues but her resolve was strong and went something like this:
“I pay man. Man service car. Car good. You know nothing, you no service car”.
A few hundred miles later the coolant all fell out the exhaust and the…
Cinquecento = five hundred in italian.
My uncle was a manager at a Nissan dealer in Holland. He had a Primera GT and his wife had what we call the 100NX. Always thought the recessed headlights looked stupid but it was a great car, especially with the targas off.