
not at all.  i think hypocrisy is kinda funny. are you?  

Funny... When it’s something progressives love then people are review bombing it but if it’s something they hate suddenly all those 1 star reviews are like, y’know, totally legit!

I really want this to be good but the footage I’ve seen so far makes it look like a perfume ad. 

I’d suggest 5. The American setting is a nice change of pace from the typical, “White frat boy murders thousands of exotic PoC” trope that’s been the series standard. 

Mr Rogers kicked a puppy while using the N word once...

You know I feel like the ‘value’ conversation on most video game blogsites is nothing more than an excuse to bash developers the writers don’t like and celebrate those they do. Like, Ubisoft is getting raked over the coals here for overcharging for a year old game while Bungie gets almost constant praise for their

Let me guess, the fully adult Jolie was also ‘groomed’ by Pitt and the entire marriage was a sham based on the ‘power dynamic imbalance’ between them that does not exist but we will pretend it does because it fits our women never wrong narrative.

Billion dollar companies using social justice issues for guaranteed free controversy buzz does more harm to equality progress than good. 

Shuri is a red herring, guaranteed. 


i don’t think you know what trolling means.  idgaf about the olympics but thanks for playing!  dumbass. 

No mention of the Leviathan?

If weighing 6000 lbs. is so healthy why aren’t there any fat asses in the olympics, huh?

and yet you take the time to respond.  who’s stupid, twat?  dismissed. 

We knew they were using fetus cream for nefarious reasons...

Oh no a stranger on the internet called me stupid! This is harassment and abuse! I have PTSD and will need reparations from Jezebel for emotional suffering!

Fuck, I’d hate to see the meanerroughershoebox! or maybe i wouldn’t why don’t you DM me toots and you can stop stalking me from afar... LMAO

You can’t talk someone having a psychotic episode dead set on harming others out of it no matter how much counseling experience you have.  

Those cops should’ve totally let him stab them to death instead of protecting themselves and the public from an unhinged suicidal fuckhead who refused to get help for his obvious mental health issues.  

Mucho props to the man who used his power and influence in the industry to make sure raping pedophiles can keep cashing their royalty checks!