I literally did...
I literally did...
I’m trolling? You’re throwing toddler level whatoboutism arguments at me and I’m the troll? Fuck off, child.
It’s not transphobic to acknowledge the scientifically objective physical advantages of competing as a transgender woman. Notice nobody ever cries about transgender men competing? Why, because the issue really is about leveling the playing field as much as possible, not telling transgender people they shouldn’t exist.…
Yes, and as a tank, any failure with your team will likely be blamed on you, thus making people even less likely to want to play them. Not to mention the 5v5 seems to be pushing the game back to a dps arena shooter meaning the majority of players will be even less likely to use teamwork than before...
Everyone hated loot boxes but loot boxes allowed me to save up coins from duplicates so that when a holiday event came along I’d have enough to buy a legendary skin and cool emote, spray etc. If my understanding is correct that’s all gone now. Loot will be dropped by the battlepass and anything rare you’ll have to buy…
I didn’t make a scientific statement. Fuck science, you obviously need to go back to grade school to learn reading fundamentals.
Will he be wearing prosthetic ears?
We bringing Hard R’s out of the greys now, Root? Wow. You guys really are desperate for hate clicks...
Believe the science!
Look up the anecdote about Kurt Russell and the antique guitar from Hateful Eight.
Yes, how dare someone expect a ‘journalist’ to do the bare minimum research necessary to write about their subject instead of just pulling random shit straight out of their ass with anything they didn’t directly steal from Reddit/Twitter!
2022 is when you realize Kinja is bad? LOL. Hey, can I tell you about this fantastic new invention? It’s called sliced bread...
They were blindsided by an event that virtually every single person who saw from the release announcement on that Stadia was doomed to crash and burn like so many other Google endeavors? Blindsided... I do not think that word means what you think it does.
Twerking is not empowerment.
Probably due to the writing staff, but Jon Stewart was a much better host. .
Republicans are far more worried about keeping a consistent school to prison pipeline going than in helping children. Get real. If there’s one thing old white men love it’s indentured servant PoC! A story as old as time...
Jezebel Twitter Feminists are such misandrists that they will insult men for doing what is right. Lizzo influences millions of young girls to believe morbid obesity is actually healthy and y’all declare her a Queen. Men do exactly what you want them to do and you hate them even more for it.
Who is going to be the new Black Panther? Will it be Letitia Wright, the obvious choice, or did her anti-vax sentiments close that door? If so, who else? Okoye? Or will they pull some type of Spartacus-like “We are All Black Panther”, BS?