
Except that issue has already been solved with matchmaking (if you’re a skilled player you should be able to match with competitive opponents and teammates within a few hours playtime tops) which really lays bare the truth, that this is yet another cynical ploy to siphon money out of gullible customers pockets and has

Why do the same people who demand we not judge individuals strictly by their identities have no issues doing so themselves? Almost like they’re too stupid to realize the hypocrisy of their own objective bigotry, iunno?

Everyone knows I Just Called To Say I Love You is Stevie’s best song...

yet you keep coming back for more. i genuinely hate cops. If I was God I’d smite the lot of them. No Joke.

At the level the majority of players play at it doesn’t matter all that much, frankly, especially with matchmaking being a thing and the new 5V5 format changing group dynamics anyways. Blizzard cares about easing new player integration only insomuch as they can monetize it.

I don’t play OW... Then you don’t know what you’re talking about. 

Rest of the current player base!  All 14 of you!?!

you responded.  twice.  dumbfuck.  i said what i said.  

So what?  Sorry i don’t fall in step with your puritan ethos fuckwit.  Eat shit and die. 

So you’re jumping on the internet anonymously to tell us how rude and stupid it is to tell people what to do anonymously on the internet?  Tracks...

All Cops Deserve To Die.  Law enforcement is a terrorist organization waging war on the citizens of the United States of America.  They should be treated as such.  

“Oh no somebody told a completely benign joke on the internet! They must be a fascist Trump supporting neckbeard ‘ist’! How dare you make light of a stupid situation!!! I’m so mad! Where’s my binky!!!”

it was a joke you fucking moron.  Cry harder. 

And yet culture wouldn’t exist without the sharing of ideas between different groups of people. Diversity breeds ingenuity does it not? Isn’t that the clarion call of progressive idealism, of social justice?  ‘Authenticity’ is a completely subjective term. If everybody ‘stayed in their lane’ Hip Hop would not exist.

I was kidding you dumb fucker.  Lighten up.  Jesus.  Are you this angry IRL?  

There is literally no way this film can be critiqued fairly.

Hot Take: Stop trying to appropriate James Bond. James Bond is a character from a very specific time period and that time period intimately informs nearly every aspect of his personality. If you want James Bond to be a different character, then write them as a different character. If you want to change James Bond

Marine Wildlife Representation Matters

They really had no idea what they wanted this movie to be did they?  

If I give someone something and then change my mind I should be legally allowed to have them arrested for theft because technically every gift I’ve ever given still belongs to me.  If the woman isn’t expected to give back the ring the guy doesn’t have to give back gifted pics.  Nobody ever said a word about