On the bright side, it makes things super easy for us kidnappers!
On the bright side, it makes things super easy for us kidnappers!
Are they going to digitally ‘diversity’ swap Costner for the new release?
They got rid of the dildo bat, ‘nuff said.
She’s literally using the affair to jumpstart her career (how many followers did she gain over this news) so I’m not sure where your hater gets off pretending Levine has some magical power over her. He doesn’t. If anything outing him puts her in the place of power as it’s likely to affect his career more than hers.…
Thank you. Just a friendly reminder that it isn’t Islamophobia to point out that Islam is a fundamentally misogynist institution.
Oh my goodness! These nude scenes I did are going to be memes! I totally don’t want these nude scenes I do to become memes! I should be able to do nude scenes without being abused over it! Did I mention I’m nude? NUDDDDDEEE!!!!
Post went up just now. Thank you, Jez.
Wait. Are we allowed to respectfully disagree on the internet? This may be a world first... Thanks!
If you’re an up and coming star who dreamed of playing James Bond it’s great, sure, but if you’ve always wanted to be a next level movie star with multiple Oscars under your belt possibly having your entire career typecast as a single character starts to lose it’s appeal. I’m reminded of the recent story about DiCaprio…
Why hold a megaphone up to (what you yourself heavily insinuate is) a bad take? Are 20 something year old women not responsible for their own behavior? Does Levine, as a singer in a popular ‘rock’ band and sometimes tv talent show judge, have any direct power over someone in an unrelated field who is knowingly…
Agreed. Didn’t mean to imply the allegations were manufactured. I was trying to say that it’s disgusting that the streamers are treating this the same way they do even the most benign meaningless drama when in fact sexual assault is a much more serious deal.
The article links to a Twitter spat between Trainwrecks and Asmongold though, and they’re by no means the only ones feeding off the drama. I can definitely see how my comment could be misconstrued though, thanks.
Must suck for up and coming actors being shoe-horned into 10+ years commitments in a fickle market when your livelihood depends on personal relevance.
This is noteworthy because why exactly? Do Black celebrities not cheat?
I am not questioning the motivation of the sexual assault allegations, just the ephemeral drama created by everyone’s hot takes that serve only to try and insert themselves into the conversation. Twitch streamers are on top of drama like stink on shit and this story is a great big heaping pile of it. It’s gross.
Am I the only one sickened by this all playing out on social media like it’s just another bit of manufactured drama between streamers for mutual free publicity?
The original is aight, but, I mean, have you heard the Taylor Swift version?
The epitome of disingenuous. There is no way in hell Warner Brothers is going to let someone blatantly rip off their intellectual property and this filmmaker damn well knew that and is using it as a means to garner publicity for a project that wouldn’t be a blip on anyone’s radar without this ‘controversy’ attached to…
You hit the, uh, pin on the head there, brother. It doesn’t look grimy enough. Hell shouldn’t look like a perfume ad.