
The epitome of disingenuous. There is no way in hell Warner Brothers is going to let someone blatantly rip off their intellectual property and this filmmaker damn well knew that and is using it as a means to garner publicity for a project that wouldn’t be a blip on anyone’s radar without this ‘controversy’ attached to

You hit the, uh, pin on the head there, brother.  It doesn’t look grimy enough.  Hell shouldn’t look like a perfume ad. 

And you’re ignorant if you think it won’t always exist. You’re also a condescending prick so we are finished here.

I didn’t say they were the right answers, but for every conceivable question the human brain will create an answer even where none exists. And people will never stop questioning. Other people will always congregate around these ideas, these ‘false’ answers.

I’ve always felt that Hellraiser probably has the mythos/worldbuilding with the most potential of the major Hollywood horror franchises. It’s a crying shame it’s been handled so poorly for so long. I’m hopeful for this but verrry skeptical.

Wait until you hear about the Tyler Perry Cinematic Universe!

I’m sorry. What exactly is ‘blackity-black’ about wearing a hat?

Yeesh, white people, can you please stop killing each other so we can go back to making that $$$?!?”

Please, for the love of God, Michigan, do right (err left) in these upcoming elections.  There’s so much at stake. Also, props to the town I live in for making absentee voting so easy!

You know what’s even more pervasive than the trolls? Grandstanding pompous moralists like you warning everyone about a problem that doesn’t really exist without the magnifying glass you’re so desperate to hold up to it.

Progressives don’t get to tell us how every bit of media has lasting ripples throughout society (representation matters!) out of one side of their mouth while simultaneously telling us that artistic freedom is all that matters out the other. Convenient how often, “rules for thee but not for me”, is applicable to the

Religion (Faith) serves a vital role to society in that it provides answers for the unknowable.  There is no getting rid of Religion, there’s only creating a society in which Religion and State are TRULY separate. America ain’t that society. 

Catering your titillation for money to children is feminism in 2022.

The money you STOLE asshole.  You didn’t BORROW shit. 

I mean... at least they didn’t put the mannequin in Blackface?

I agree. I believe intimacy coordinators are essential in the film-making process. Just ask Maria Schneider.

But the quoted passage wasn’t said by the father...

I agree. Losing a touch of spontaneity trying to convey lust onscreen that isn’t paint-by-numbers is worth it to keep everyone safe and secure and if actors don’t like it, well, they’d better learn to act better...

Artists do not owe the public utopian content. How boring would television and movies be if they were stripped of any and everything morally questionable.

Miller told the police they are trans after they were called “Sir”.