Dick in a Lox

Officials didn't have enough to charge Wells with rape, so they settled for inappropriate Huggins.

Kotaku, a place where RP'ing furries is considered news

Several mentions of the fake nature of wrestling. Often the serious injuries aren't faked even in WWE. The story lines are over the top and the moves choreographed, but as any stuntman can attest choreographed moves don't mean safe ones especially with multiple people attempting them at once. I don't discount that

When does a pentagon have four sides?

And being ever true to real life, all war came to a stop due to all resources being exhausted.



i understand what he did was wrong but I'm concerned by this mentality that one incident can define a man permanently.

"And if you're going to wear clean undies, why not make them MeUndies, the most comfortable underwear? Get 20% off + free shipping!"

It'll probably be at least another century before movies finally use people of all races equally and have leads of all kinds without it affecting sales or making big-wigs think it'll affect sales.

Every time I read a Jaden tweet, this pops into my mind.

Yeah, you're totally not being wildly condescending.

If China were to dump US bonds today, it would destroy China. Yes there would be a serious economic impact in the U.S. and would require all Americans to tighten their belts for a long time, possibly years. But China would lose their single biggest goods purchaser (plus any allies for can convince/strongarm to follow

"Real environmentalist" wouldn't race at all; the rest of us would applaud the use of an on-demand fuel source that would otherwise go to waste. Precisely how would the series race if there wasn't enough wind or sun to charge the cars?

Why bother...

Of what?

Really hoping that they will be patching this soon.

A mom he keeps creepily kissing right on the mouth. And then makes kiss faces at so she kisses him some more? There is so much going on here I don't even know wtf to make of it.

Say what you will about Wendy Williams, but she addressed this the other day on her show. She pointed out that it's highly suspect that mom has come out of the woodwork to parade around TV with her son . . . when mom left her son to be raised by a known drug addict for his entire life.

Wow! I flew 155 back when she was a T-43 trainer for navigators. Thought she'd gone to the boneyard.