Because 20-30 years ago a single person had a much greater influence on a game. Now, with teams numbering in the dozens or even hundreds, it's harder to appraise the input a single person has had.
Because 20-30 years ago a single person had a much greater influence on a game. Now, with teams numbering in the dozens or even hundreds, it's harder to appraise the input a single person has had.
Entitled much.
He is busy losing foot races.
You forgot how the condemned the Fappening leaks but went to court over their right to show Hulk Hogan's stolen sex tape.
Yknow I'm really glad there's a commenter with some sense on Deadspin. I'm tired of seeing everybody emphatically nod their heads when these writers assume there's racial prejudice behind every interaction between white people and black people. She does something nice, they're grateful. SO IT MUST BE RACIST SOMEHOW.
Or maybe she wanted to show her asshole friend just how wrong she was. The friend was saying that two teenagers must be up to no good because they were hanging out in Tuhoy's store, Tuhoy not only proved the friend wrong, but also showed her that her shitty behavior wasn't accepted in her store, (and even more…
It's shit like this article that keeps people from doing nice things for fear of giving off the wrong message.
How tall is the kid you adopted?
She didn't assume that the person with her did.
Yeah I thought it was a nice gesture in a suburban mom kind of way.
Wa... why are we mad at her?
The tone and delivery of this article is confusing. What she did was...wrong? Because it was...paternalistic? Or because she asked people to not judge others based on race? Not being sarcastic here, just deeply confused by the mobius strip that is Gawker racial politics.
This is absurd. She did a good thing (which you are now condemning her for) and you are lying through your teeth if you say you are totally color blind to race.
I thought about that too but a friend mentioned that no one wants to see me be a human rocket and see my guts splattered everywhere because I didn't want to wear a seat belt.
On the plus side, if a runner does get shot at least they get one of those 30.06 stickers.
100% correct . If you don't resist arrest, you don't end up dead. Nobody getting arrested thinks they did anything wrong. That doesn't mean you can just fight the cop off and go on your way.
"as he explains to protesters that if people simply keep their hands up and listen to cops, they won't end up like Michael Brownor Eric Garner."
"Don't go after cops" is sound advice to anyone, regardless if they're interrupting traffic.
Women in bikinis are disgusting because ... unless they have "realistic" bodies, in which case it is empowering.