Name one.
Name one.
I know. This whole thing is the most stereotypical nice, but slightly goofy/embarrassing, white suburban mom thing and of course it gets torn down to bait us into the comments section. I fucking hate how much I enjoy hateclicking Gawker blogs. It would be nice if they didn't completely undermine their points nonstop.…
I am not sure, we better ask the black Gawker writer... Oh... Wait...
Dude, she took a kid into her home and helped him reach the NFL. Regardless of motives she has done good things for people. She hasn't hurt anyone and nobody has stories of her being a bad person. Maybe when someone isn't a complete piece of shit we can just give them the fucking pat on the fucking back because, hey,…
He only needs one...
You must be new here. This is the Gawkerization of Deadspin. How dare this broad enable one kid to reach the NFL and be nice to random kids!
I get that, but honestly, sometimes we do need to be protected from ourselves, and more importantly a fatality crash will shut down a freeway and cause traffic to back up for a long time compared to a non-fatality crash. So there is a legitimate effect on everyone else in the city.
Speed limits
What are the actual costs of the tickets with all the penalties and fees they bullshit onto it? I know in California for example the fine can technically be like $35 or whatever but the ticket ends up being $200-$300+++ with fees and penalties. Do they do this in Virginia too, or is the fine all-encompassing?
That wasn't punny though...
Is he really entirely wrong though?
Anyone in the league has good health insurance. Anyone with good health insuranch can afford pretty much any doctor.
I am in the same boat. I never owned a bike, I've rarely thought about owning one either. I don't like Harleys or sport bikes. But these are fucking sweet. I would love one of these though. I can't quantify it at all, but this is the first bike I've looked and thought, "how do I make this happen?"
Only 1.1 Billion dollars worth of people watched Skyfall. So, according to film industry accounting, you're right. Nobody.
Being on retainer for this must be a nice gig. They probably just make an initial filing and let it languish in the courts til the player leaves.
Who actually wrote the treatment? It could have been just some random shit someone wrote at 3 am on a whim and emailed out. Where is the source email? Most of these stories at least include the source emails.