
Can someone explain to me the management mentality of the 76ers?

You can’t tell that’s what happened.

Wow you kind of sound like the real Archie Bunker.

People asked if we planned any of our kids. I always say we weren’t necessarily planning it but we knew what we were doing.

Kids and WiFi: Drew is 100% correct. Did you know Amazon Kindles cut off the WiFi when is storage gets too low? It takes my 4 year old 0.0 seconds to become irate when this happens. Like if it doesn’t work immediately he is throwing the Kindle on the hardwood floor as hard as he can.

OJ Jersey: I wore an old old SF

I don’t even know who “The Beast” is! Is it Pete Carrol? Oh, Beast Mode. I find the not talking act kind of boring actually.

LOL @ that.

A. I could listen and read about the 1986 Boston Celtics until the end of time

I always liked Joe Kleine.

Dammit! This gives them cap space they need to sign a QB. I was so hoping for the return of Geno.

Jones isn’t an Indian. He can’t know what it’s like to have your name trivialized for sports!

He was talented dude.

Click Bait Headlines 101

Oh Denver

I went to Busch Gardens once and I got attacked by bees.


I am just now remembering I had a bad experience with ham during a holiday a few years ago, it is clouding my judgement.

I’m talking Easter ham at Grandma’s house. It just doesn’t do it for me.


That’s a relic of days gone by. Funny how it’s only in baseball. I can name every AL East title the Red Sox ever won (75, 86, 88, 90, 95, 07, 13) but the hell if I could name you a year the Devils or Celtics on the Atlantic.