Probably 1981 when I was a baby. Before I was potty trained. I’m an adult now. If you don’t have control of your bowels, you have some serious soul searching to do while considering your diet choices.
Probably 1981 when I was a baby. Before I was potty trained. I’m an adult now. If you don’t have control of your bowels, you have some serious soul searching to do while considering your diet choices.
That's the freaking thing with the NBA and NCAA to me. How in the world was he a number 2 pick?!?
Your local grocery store brand Green Tea. savE saVE sAVE SAVE!
They really are the best aren't they? One is not enough tho, gotta do two.
I lock the door, turn on the fan and the radio and sit back and relax. Even for 5 mins, it's 5 mins where the kids aren't running into my groin with their knees up.
I don't go out much. Does it have onion in it?
If I had the time and the means, I'd kill every bee on the planet.
A genius is someone who can teach you something you've never understood, but in a way that makes you believe you knew it all along. You are a genius.
that was unnecessary but humorous.
What the hell is aioli?
Is it "Getting hit by a bus" because most dopes who smoke have to ride the bus because they don't have car??
that is pretty egregious.
Gladiator stole Cast Away's Oscar in 2000. How Cast Away wasn't nominated is as puzzling as Stonehenge.
Well, PK essentially made an exaggerated Wind Mill production of his slash, and Stone went down like a ton of bricks. Refs had to make the call under those circumstances. Stone came back and played but something is wrong with him.
Does the NBA re-seed in the second round? Or is the 1-8 winner take on the 4-5 winner regardless?
On the whole, I'd vote for the first round of the NHL playoffs. 8 different series going on. Once you start cutting down the teams, it gets kind of tepid, unless your team is still alive.
They had evidence. There were matching bullet casings at the scene and in his rental car, and the one at the scene was stuck on bubble gum that contained his DNA.
cHicaGo blackHawks