That was mine. Ehhh, I was going for a 3 year old loves to splash, but a kid 10 years older at 13 probably hates getting splashed. Bad wording.
That was mine. Ehhh, I was going for a 3 year old loves to splash, but a kid 10 years older at 13 probably hates getting splashed. Bad wording.
Eh, that's debatable.
Or "Week 4 of the NBA Offseason, Let's Discuss the future draft planning of Western Conference Team X That No One Should By Any Means Care About."
It is predominantly NBA. What has received more coverage this summer? The MLB or the NBA offseason?
The QB for that red and white team looks like he's 5' 3" and a stubby 5' 3" at that!
He could have seen him and not been able to do anything about it.
I don't care if that guy did or did not call Cam Newton, but the idea of leaving a message saying that they were Eskimo Brothers is about the funniest thing I've read on the internet in days.
SO what if he saw him, doesn't make your case or their case.
You took the time to find this? Yawn.
Thanks for the tip.
oh you're one of those guys who gets up on his soap box and rails against someone when you clearly can't know what was going on in his mind?
Alright, I'll star your reply and we can move on. I look forward to not seeing your moniker show up in my notifications.
So pretty soon, as everyone fears voicing their opinion for fear of being shunned, we all will voice the same opinion like a collective soul-less mob?
That was worse than "That's the coolest fucking story I've heard in my entire life, that's insane! Can you tell it again? Do you have time?"????
I do have the time, but I do see it's your bed time. Get your jammies and brush your teeth.
I...just...don' And there's no chance I'll ever see that movie, even if it's on free television and I have nothing to do.
Ehhhh, poor form.
Maybe the idea of ruining a mock draft is unfunny. But his messages and the reactions of the other guys both amuse me.
Ah, yes the grammar police were already all over that.