
This would be Plan A. I wouldn't even have to think of it, it would be inherent, like continuing to breathe.

Banana flavored Laffy Taffy is sublime.

This is on right now. Thanks for spoiling it, asshole face.

That's almost so obvious I start to wonder other scenarios. Not about him naked, mind you.

Agreed. I won't watch Walking Dead out of spite. I am, however, trapped watching True Blood because girlfriends.

AS others have mentioned, many teams got away with the same frontloaded deal, so it didn't really seem to make sense that they got punished and they didn't.

Totally unrelated to the thread...why in the world do only like half of the responses here allow me to recommend, reply or show replies? Why is there the incessant need to keep changing the comment system??

There were just enough instances where they were trying to make it seem like they didn't know what they were doing—-like the missed spots, awkward segues into and coming out of commercials, mispronounced names, Kim Novak, the guitar thing—-that it seemed like they didn't know what they were doing.

Dear Dodgers,

I am quite over it. It tasted slightly bitter, but then I closed the video player and went back to work and that was about it. Northern Montana was just a funny comment that amused me. Enjoy the fruits of a meaningless hockey victory while American culture crosses the border and replaces Canadian culture. You

When you started off, fresh out of school, are these the types of headlines you dreamt of writing? I bet your grandmother is proud.

hmmm. can you clarify further?

God, who cares.

When USA wins, we take over Canada and rename it Northern Montana.


I like Colbert better than Jon Stewart, granted (that's not hard, because I despise Stewart), but don't you find Colbert's act grating and old?

If the ratings were there, he'd still be there.

I enjoyed this one.

How many times has Bill Simmons been a guest on the Jimmy Fallon show?
