
Heh, I was just listening to E-O-P last night. Great album.

Bangor in the mouth?

I, for one, welcome @PollaPistolera.


¿Dónde está el @Senor Spielbergo:disqus cuando se le necesita?

Dik can provide his own, can't he?

The nitpicker in me would like to point out that it's actually "another nice mess."

I dunno, they just do that…

You know something? They did say "well" a lot!

And, as an owl once reminded us, Motörhead was the opposite of "twee."

2 months late, but big shoutout to Erik and Annie for including two of my most frightening Muppet moments. Svengali (the magician) is a frightening thing for the ages.

If you go skating!
On the thin ice of modern life!

Where's the baseball cap, Rick?

Stop Monkeeing around.

It's All Too Much for you, isn't it?

Well, that socks.

Hollywood (1923)

Yeah, and what about the other Goons?

Lemon curry?