
That’s a baseless assertion. The average failure to show rate is about 12%. A recent study showed that court systems could reduce that rate to as low as 6% if they implemented a simple text message court date reminder system, so lets not use personal annecdotes as basis to demonize people caught up in the American

Great write-up. I want to add my thoughts to one part:

That’s generally my view, but I don’t know her mind. She has rejected his views, and it’s an open question whether a more forceful wording from her would actually diminish the criticism against her at all. I have some doubts that it would. The core of this is political posturing more than honest concern over bigotry

Is the moment you start being an anti racist not the moment you stop being a racist ?

Cool. Make Trump burn through some of his war chest fighting his own side and let Kasich confuse the centerists enough that Trump can’t get the votes he needs to win the general election. Any fracturing of the conservative party benefits progressives.

wish I could give more stars.

Mayor Stop-And-Frisk can get the fuck on.

You are responding to a troll, fyi...

shishmo whatever is Tomato.

Or you could just make the problem irrelevant by going to ranked voting and multi-member districts. That is the real answer, but it’s a harder political push because it would also allow for more than 2 political parties to be viable.

You seem to not understand what the term gerrymander means.

This is a profoundly incorrect understanding of gerrymandering. Gerrymandering refers specifically to deliberate attempts to manipulate a district for partisan advantage by neglecting natural political/community boundaries (e.g., counties, towns, populations of ethnic minorities.).

“Invoking the 25th Amendment would certainly constitute a crisis — for conservatives and the Republican party. Because right now they are the constitutional crisis.”

Spot-on. They are desperately trying to avoid the extremely obvious consequences that they chose to risk.

I’ve always thought a parliamentary system allow for more safety valve via small parties and coalitions. The probably of that happening though is infistemal.

Correct - that is an actual Constitutional crisis.

Thank you! Having anonymous bureaucrats secretly running the executive branch is not exactly avoiding a constitutional crisis.

Yeah, that’s a pretty common abuse tactic, do something terrible to someone and tell them they’re “over-reacting” when they get pissed about it.

Reporter’s husband gets sexy pic from woman-husband-is-cheating-with. Reporter finds out, gets copy of sexy pic of woman-husband-is-cheating-with. Reporter uses the NY effen Times to call woman-husband-is-cheating-with fat with ugly vag.

If you think centrists stopped using the same far right talking points about socialism that they’ve always used because of Bernie Sanders, may I direct you to the replies of any of Ocasio’s tweets?

This band's logo is a dick wrench.