Even easier - Aluminium foil on the end of a q-tip. Put a 3-4mm thick cap over then end and it works perfectly
Even easier - Aluminium foil on the end of a q-tip. Put a 3-4mm thick cap over then end and it works perfectly
What sort of a boob would wear this?
Smart corner seems like it would be if you are holding on that corner, it will ignore screen presses in that area and it will know where you are holding it.
@JesusDeSaad: Voldermort rubbing his nipples?
@AllOfUsAreLost.: Try Oolong tea, sort of a cross between standard british tea and green tea
@HoseHead: you put one line into Terminal and it's done
@w1llk - Undoubtedly Cookies: I call mine: "Trojan.exe"
@HoseHead: you can make a NAS into a time machine, I did it with a 1TB iOmega NAS.
@battra92: Cats ears are really thin, so it would probably be all floppy. Also, cats need their ears to hear, cow's don't really need super cat hearing.
My house cat has had a collar all it's life, it's mandatory out here in Dubai because municipal vans go driving around catching cats as if they are bin bags and send them to the slaughterhouse, unless they have a government issued tag with a code on (which they charge you 50 aed every so often for, I think thats $20)
@Ninety-9: gimp?
@Bryan Levangie: Adds up to make 20, as does 9/11, therefore these guys are terrorists, and the wood is hollowed out and has small blocks of C4 inside that is designed to be put all across western countries that are obsessed with materialism to be obliterated in one huge fiery explosion.
@holy holes batman: If a cat meows in a forest and no-one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Will it be summer at christmas like Australians have it? If so then I'm all for it
@william7: it has Nike+iPod
@Homerjay has ABSA Fever: You said Monster too though
@Schm1tty: To scare away your mom?
*copied from Apple
Whatever is the easiest way to actually consume the content will win, and the Apple TV seems easier.