
“Yes Cindy, I’m giving your asshole brother Bill a job here today. No, I think he’s useless. He was what? Drinking this morn- ”

So, I used to know a guy that worked in the mine industry...very soft spoken, very nice guy...he drove a lifted F350 with lots of chrome, added on after purchase, bull bars, antenna whips, the works. I asked him why he drove a truck like that because it didn’t really seam to suit his character and he responded by

I myself was hoping to start an aftermarket vinyl face sticker business for Model 3 customers... you know, to fund my Model S. >:)

... Playboy is doing a Miata spread?

He still has a top rated show...yeap...lol

Be honest: how often do you think the average Jalop pays attention to how fast they’re going?

two american kids killing toddlers in the heartland

Little Ditty with Jo and dying.

Man... the lengths some people go to just to get a little pussy.

ok... but shouldn’t she be missing a wheel?

“Hmmm, I think I may back my Maybach into a Maybach."

The real kicker is if he just kept going with the wheel turned he looked fine from that angle. That sucks...

Worst forum shit storm ever seen? Easy. Go to any thread on Gawker or Jezebel, make a comment where you might appear to not be a left wing liberal nut job. You could tell them the sky is blue. However, if they even THINK you are a Republican (even if thats not the case), not only is the sky NOT blue, but you are an

I used to configure my dreams cars on these kind of sites and keep track on an excel spreadsheet so I could easily reference how much money I don’t have.

Sure it’s not Doug Dedouchebag?

100 km. .. not miles. This needs stressed

Whatever! I had a 91' HICAS version when I was 16 an did cover leaf at 100. The best hooning to impress other 16 yr Olds. Don’t burst my bubble! ;)

Owned a ‘91 when i was 16. Hoon’d it proper. Got caught by the cops doing donuts on an ice rink with studdeds. Had them call my parents... got a high five by my dad when mom wasnt looking. Made me the car loving jalopnik that I am today!!!!!!