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    Solid episode, but one thing that striked me as odd was at the beginning when Bobbi and Fitz were on comms, she said "Bird to Zephyr." Why not just be like "MOCKINGBIRD to Zephyr" and make us happy? They've never called her Mockingbird on the show.

    When the episode ended, my brother turned to me and said "I can't believe we got from the Hooded Hero to this!" Same, li'l bro, same. Really, really enjoyed this episode.

    Damn, after all these years, Herrera still looks good. I was scared he wasn't going to age well. (He was my first celeb crush back in the early 2000s when he was in every single mexican teen novela and then joined a "band". None of his fellow peers aged well.)

    Definitely the tie-in with Winter Soldier. Which I think is 1x16.

    I really enjoyed Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, but if there's something I have to complain about it's her dad. He was THE WORST. I found him extremely offputting, and I don't think it was supposed to be intentional. Same with Fawn Moscato on New Girl last season. She was just too over the top, and I found that weird

    Has it gotten rid of that awful flash animation they've been using? I grew up watching this show and when I see my nephews watching it, the awfulness of its visuals is too distracting for me to even sit and reminisce or whatever.

    He looked and sounded so familiar, but then I figured out why. He was the mean teacher on Ned's Declassified on Nickelodeon back in the day (aka the mid 00s).

    I'm a late bloomer, middle of season six, I believe. I'd caught it on syndication occasionally and really liked it. Then, the winter after I graduated from high school, I got mildly depressed, and just marathoned the entire thing in two weeks and caught up by the time it was back on in January. One of my proudest

    Well, that's what the reviewer said, so I'm just quoting him, but it is an interesting way to put things in perspective!

    So glad to have White Collar back! (Although I swore it came on at 10/9 CT and missed it, so barely got around to watching it right now.) Anyone else suspect that this might be the last season? This season will be shorter than the others and Eastin also has Graceland to work on as well.

    He's the Galaga guy from The Avengers!