
Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.

My mother has broken the software of every electronic device and service she has ever owned. Phone, computer, iPad, Samsung, coffee maker, ordering from Lands End, Amazon (seriously how do you end up with 3 duplicate accounts with the same pw and email?), and the public library. If the robots try to take over, I’m

I’ve been contemplating writing a longer “why the arguments that increasing the minimum wage will lead to all fast food jobs being replaces with robots are horseshit” post for a while now. I might do that for Saturday.

The only good thing McKinley gave us was Teddy Roosevelt.

I imagine this is what it’s like to work at Snopes.

I’m pretty fond of education myself, being an English doctoral candidate and all. Also pretty down with feminism.

Trailer needs more witches. You can learn everything you want to know about any adaptation of Macbeth by how they do the witches.

That’s fine, Miss Piggy has obviously moved on.

Definitely Not Miss Piggy

Since when do other people’s ideas of fun have to meet your approval? You rock that shit, Miley.

This is the news of the night and the jezzie staff is killing it.

You seem sad. I hope it gets better.

My family originates from Irish peasant stock, which contributes to a somewhat no-nonsense attitude to death. When I was about six, my grandfather died in Ireland. Far-flung sons, daughters and their families gathered for the funeral.

My great uncle was a llama rancher for most of his life; never married, just ALL LLAMAS, ALL THE TIME.

HGTV by way of Faulkner is the single best descriptor I've ever read.

Just this summer, my uncle died. His cremated remains were brought from his state of residence to SC for interment. The graveside service, attended only by family, was held in the middle of the day during that godawful heat wave we had. It was 108 degrees. Three generations of my family stood around in our Sunday

what it said: Full disclosure: Ornstein was a professor of mine in graduate school.

Anti-Abortion Activists Climb Into Trash, Realize They’re Finally Home