I’m perfectly .... AVERAGE!
I’m perfectly .... AVERAGE!
eh...most people don’t notice stuff like that unless it’s rampant. But I feel you. Drives me crazy, too.
the ‘whose’?
That was really cool! I look forward to seeing her perform!
I couldn’t agree more. We should (imho) err on the side of ‘oversensitivity’ when it comes to fair/equal representation and equality. Better that than cling to a damaging status quo.
This is SO cool!
I couldn’t agree more!
PS: Being an ally doesn’t get anyone a free pass. At the end of the day, we are and should be held accountable for all that we do and say. Being an ally is being a decent human being, and that should be reward enough.
I wish stories like this had the power to surprise me.
I haven’t seen the movie yet (despite all the controversy, I’m looking forward to it), but I have read some of people’s reactions (spoilers don’t bother me), and I have to say just one thing, which can really apply to any movie, Broadway show, or what-have-you...
I think we as a society (media and all) need to explain what constitutes abuse and then send out and reinforce messages (on TV shows through storylines, etc.) that this is wrong. We say don’t abuse but then we make unequal power relations look sexy and normal. Even Disney does this (e.g., Beauty and the Beast). I…
And this!
This! I feel like a lot of people, myself included, don’t really know what healthy looks like. What constitutes a bad day and one instance of shitty coping and what constitutes the beginning of a bad pattern?
done and done!
thanks for that (I really needed a laugh) :-)
This makes me SO angry!
This is so sad and infuriating! And people wonder why uprisings happen. THIS. THIS right here. Feeling hurt, angry, and helpless. Like the law isn’t here to help you. Like things are broken that will never be fixed, not without MAJOR change. If this happened to a white person, particularly a non-poor white person,…
This a thousand times!
Rapists rape no matter what the circumstances. That doesn’t have any implication for the efficacy of a sex strike.
My feeling is that men who disrespect that right will do so whether or not they have a ‘justifiable’ reason.