

yes and no. If WA was creeping on her, I don't think that was in the script. Also I doubt the kiss was described in the script as it was delivered.

good point

That sucks. No one should force a child to kiss (or do anything of that nature with) anyone, not even a child in show business. We really need more advocacy for young actors/actresses...I hear so many terrible stories about their being taken advantage of. No amount of money or fame is worth that.

I'm hoping it was a fairly chaste kiss...I saw the movie, but I don't remember. Truth be told, bragging rights on 'my first kiss was with Brad Pitt' are pretty solid (imho)...

what a terrible way to have a first kiss

What bothers me is that a lot of people (well...a lot of white people...kind of hating to count myself among them right about now) seem to think ..

don't pull community college into this... community college would likely have helped 'Robert' to suck less at being a lying liar

I was going to say I love this video so much I want to marry it, but after having read about the the dolphin uhh ... guy (safe word) and HBC's tuna 'hug,' I think I'd better be clear vs. funny.

"Bro, have you even napped?"

When I enter into a relationship with someone, a theoretically monogamous one, I feel both partners should endeavor to fulfill each others' physical, emotional, and other needs.

You are an evil genius :-)

A lot of people have said that those embracing BDSM face discrimination. I agree (mostly in situations involving children, e.g., custody).


This video is made of awesome.

You're right. White people (including me) should not pat themselves on the back for standing against murder. It's simple decency. To act like it's in any way strange or laudable is to imply that black lives aren't worth as much.

You may be right, but I don't know. These protests have been impressive in terms of being widespread, big, and full of energy. Hard to ignore.

1) Historically, protest has helped change both minds AND laws.

and the children shall lead...

I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle, though I can't say I'm surprised. So far I have been lucky (the times they randomly snatched people up when I was there and started shoving and menacing others, I was always a ways back). I hope you heal up quickly.