
I grew up as a solidly middle class white girl in a suburban city in Northern California. I went to a private school. Not elite, but parochial - our education included Chick Tracts as required reading in science class. I had to take a Human Evolutionary Biology class in college to even understand what the theory of

Or mesmerized?

This pretty much sums up the problem with (some) cops. This guy is pants-shittingly terrified of just the presence of unarmed citizens. He's waiving his gun around like he was in the middle of the jungle and the rest of his platoon had just been killed by the VC and he was just waiting to be taken or to have his

Nah, the "fuck a skinny bitch" line stood out to me too, but I think race comes into play more here than it did with Meghan Trainor. Ironically, when they say it, they're likely both talking to white girls. But with Trainor, it's strictly about body size, while with Nicki about perceptions of acceptable body sizes

Nicki Minaj is really rubbing her ass in the faces of cultural appropriates, Taylor Swift, Lily Allen and Miley Cyrus. What a brilliant statement.

Nicki is a woman of color shaking her denim clad butt with other women of color. Taylor is a white chick gawking at them. Big difference.

I liked it. A lot. It is weird and off putting and I absolutely think it's deliberate. I also think this is somewhat of an answer to the idea that women should only worry about what body type will make a penis happy. I've only watched it through once but the impression that it leaves with the quick cuts is that there

I can't get over his face and his voice combined. It's like a living Neanderthal. Or like a younger version of BOB from Twin Peaks.

She's the typical in her 20s White woman. They never seem to think anything they do is racist or above reproach. They're just finding themselves through the darkies.

This is probably one of those questions that has no easy, one size fits all answer. My white mother was very aware of how her biracial sons would be treated because she was with their black father and my black father and saw it first hand. She also grew up in an extremely racist town in Indiana and so there was no

I completely agree with everything Olliver say's here regarding Ferguson. However "citing the possibility of a terrorist attack on its "annual Pumpkin Festival." to be fair I have been known to terrorize pumpkin pies, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin beer, pumpkin cake, pumpkin soup, and many other pumkin flavoured items.

Now playing

You are forgetting this awesome song, clearly!

Do you know if they are working out a system to to pull regular, but un-followed commentators out of the greys? I know that I'm being redundant, but it's really discouraging to have your comment buried next to trolly jerks.

"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

vote with your money.

I feel like the cultural appropriation is less offensive than the fact that yet another black woman is dressed up as "wild," "tribal," "exotic," and "dangerously sexy."

The actual fuck is this shit? A good, old-fashioned disbarment would do nicely here.

Chicago comedians ftw!!!!