
The way he radiates amongst the affectations of other actors from his time period adds such a tension to his scenes. As a teen, I was sort of obsessed with James Dean, and I think what hooked me is that beyond the cool image put on tchotckes along Marilyn Monroe, Dean was surprisingly strange. Queer, in both meanings

Just finished Jon Ronson's new book, So You've Been Publicly Shamed. It's strange to read about such a sea-change while it is still going on, and I'm not sure how relevant that will make this book in a few years time, but I think that exact thing makes it important to read now. Conclusion: Everyone is terrible.

To be fair, I think she saved her fangs for Courtney Love in that book.

The People of Paper is a weird, existential first (only) novel by Salvador Plascencia. Think Latin American magical realism as metaphor for personal trauma. And the guy can write a pretty turn of phrase: "Missing you is worse than Pittsburgh."

Yep, that inspired the comment. We'll see, Death Grips, we'll see.

Music roll-outs are stressful, planned out things (3+ months), and it's understandable he's upset. As angry as Death Grips makes people (I was supposed to see them on two occasions that were cancelled due to their dropping out and subsequent 'break up,') their nihilism about the whole process seems to make more and

Totally agree. That was the exact moment where I was like… "Come on… don't mime the literal lyrics, come on…." And I loved Trixie. But come on. Pearl's sort of disaffected post-punk thing was better suited for the song.

Really well done. I found "Latina" is the hardest category to choose photography or pick models as a designer. I want to show the full range of what Latina looks like, but of course clients/account typically want a "Salma Hayek" analogue. Even she may be a little outside the comfort zone of some. Usually what they

To be fair, as someone that does work tangentially in that arena, that does look like a potential Moiré nightmare.

That slow split was sort of everything.

A+++ reference.

Thanks! I'll give it a listen.

Does the funny of The Dead Authors Podcast trump the inevitable guilt one will surely feel for not reading enough? I've been meaning to check it out.

He had a great WTF interview too.

It's pretty great. It also inspired New Order's "True Faith" music video.

AKA Kinsey scales being questioned all around.

Yeah, it really made you appreciate his skills as an art director.

It was amazing. I made it to the Berlin trilogy room before I just sort of went catatonic for the rest of the exhibit.