
But what those women wear behind closed doors in the company of other women would blow your fucking mind if you think their public garb is representative of their whole wardrobe.

I don’t even know much about Arab culture or fashion, but I know that I have seen plenty of muslim women decked out head to toe in what are clearly very nice fabrics, carrying $20,000 purses.

Man you’ve obvi never been to Dubai. or Beirut. or Cairo. Or Istanbul. That all have thriving fashion industies. But all arabs are the same, we’re all al-Qaeda. Yep.

I got a really good account of the history of Libya from my co-worker who was from Nigeria but was very familiar with the country. He HATED Obama for that action because he said our country took out a dictator who had his own issues, but who also brought that country from the bottom into a relatively good style of

It sounds melodramatic, but I remember actually crying as an adolescent when she did that...she straight up ruined a beautiful (AND EXPENSIVE) instrument. YOU DO NOT PAINT PIANOS

I feel like Mattis frequently swallows the urge to tackle 45 whenever he is about to do something stupid.

There are almost two dozen countries in what is considered the Arab world and the treatment and clothing styles of women in each is very different. They aren’t all wearing burkas and niqabs. Young women in Lebanon, for example, dress just like Americans — tank tops and jeans (ie. bare arms).

And knows the Bible better than her haters.

Personal beliefs aside, that is an impressively thoughtful and work-intensive gift.

There are some perfectly legitimate reasons why this could be the case—it was my situation for a time when I was in college. There’s no reason to be so rude.

She is also the best when she appears on match game. She genuinely seems like one of the sweetest people, and I just love her.

She did sound good but I can't focus on her singing ever since I heard the best criticism of her ever: "Ariana Grande is proof that it's possible to yell and mumble at the same time."

she’s still not enunciating! I thought she was workin on it?


A lot of the hole-in-the-wall joints are cash only.

bluebird cafe

I’m getting a strong “wannabe Winona Ryder” vibe.

YES!! And you just KNOW it’s never really clean...

Vicki is, hands down, my least favorite housewife. Of all the franchises. Including Ramona. She is the literal worst. She does need Bravo to pay someone to be her friend, since no one IRL would ever do so willingly. I saw a pic of Vicki and her new boyfriend at a baseball game recently, and all I could think was WHO

Was she ever off them?

Gather round, it’s story time.