
Yes, I’m a liberal but I’m also married to a field grade officer who graduated from West Point. I have personal interest in this. But please, keep making your sweeping judgments.

I’m mixed on it. Assad wouldn’t have used sarin gas. It is known in the military community worldwide as something you just don’t do. It serves no purpose other than pisses everyone off. It has absolutely no strategic value. Which means that he has lost control of his subordinates. The bombing is supposed to have sent

That’s why the defense community would prefer it to be sooner while China is weaker. They also realize that we need to have Russia with us. We need the numbers. America can’t and won’t do it alone. In my discussions with various military officers, that was a lot of their reasons why they voted for Trump. They hated

China has been instigating for awhile. They are trying to claim the Pacific and Indian Oceans and control them. That’s why they keep building islands. They build an island and then claim several hundred miles of ocean as territorial waters. Part of the agreement coming out of WWII was that the US ensured open waters

Exactly. I’m a pacifist so I believe in diplomacy. I will say though that the air strike was targeted at the military base and took out equipment necessary to run a similar chemical warfare attack. They didn’t bomb innocent civilians.

The take on this in the defense community (I am a pacifist who married into it) is that it is better to do this with North Korea now rather than later. Now, we can just bomb them (not even nuclear) and that is the end of that. If we wait though and let North Korea continue to do their crazy North Korea thing, then

I still have my wool peacoat from 2006/2007 with Thinsulate lining. It doesn’t get heavy wear (I lived in Atlanta until we moved to the Middle East) but man, it is a good coat. The latest stuff though? Horrible.

No, just the one gazebo but it is behind gates now because an 89 year old lady decided to reenact the running and leaping from bench to bench. She fell off and broke her hip. So now you have to stare at it behind a gate. Boo!

The tour was awesome and a great way to see that part of Austria. We went to the cathedral

I’m in just for Feed the Birds, Stay Awake, and Step in Time. I’m also a Sound of Music fan. I dragged my poor husband on the Sound of Music tour when we went to Austria. The poor man loves me.

So my current claim to fame is that I’m friends with one of the people that filed this lawsuit. She is getting so much social media hate right now from the Trump fans. Some of it is funny but some of it is borderline threats.

It is like she missed the fact that the show was named “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” It wasn’t named, “The Fresh Prince’s Aunt.” Good God. She needs to get over herself.

I loved Laurie but dear god. I’m Southern and we had ceiling fans in every room of the house. I live in the Middle East now and there are no fans anywhere. Totally bonkers.

Do you remember the bathroom where she stapled all the silk flowers onto the wall? I felt so bad for those homeowners. I would think you’d just have to put up new drywall after that.

We called our pants “Oompa Loompa pants” because they came right up under our boobs. So not a good look. But yeah, Tennessee heat in those uniforms. I had to sit on the sidelines twice during practice because I was about to pass out (band camp sucked) and still no one thought to get me any water—and we even had an RN

This times a thousand! I work with brain injury patients and I’ve had several that had sodium issues because they cut out salt from their diet and upped their water.

I’m in Dubai (Qatar prior to this) and I hear ya! We always take a bottle of water with us everywhere. I panicked if there wasn’t a bottle within arm’s reach during my last pregnancy.

CDAN says it isn’t LILO. Enty wrote a couple of weeks ago that her prices have dropped because of the crazy that goes along with her. So she is having to offer more kink to keep booking people.

I live in Qatar where the niqab is popular. Wahabbi Islam is the one that typically wears a niqab and it is usually the most conservative and literal interpretation of the Quran. I don’t see burkas but you will sometimes see a chiffon scarf draped over the entire head and some women will even wear gloves so they don’t

I went out of state for college for no other reason than they had the program I majored in. I kept my license and voter registration in my hometown. I had no desire to live in the state where I went to college. I only stayed long enough for my BA and MS and got the hell out.

Not necessarily. Military spouses sometimes get weird with that stuff. Drivers license is in the home of record and voters registration might be in another. I had a friend who had a NC voters registration, VA driver's license, and TX plates on the car.