Dior needs a new head designer. They haven't consistently produced good stuff for awhile now.
Dior needs a new head designer. They haven't consistently produced good stuff for awhile now.
Nope, Alicia is Louis Vuitton. Charlize Theron is a Dior girl along with Marion Cotillard.
I liked playing in a skirt. When I run, I actually have a couple of running skirts that I like. I feel like I get more freedom of movement in a skirt.
I liked the skorts too. I haven't played in a couple of years (nobody to play with) but I would probably play in one today too.
Not if you have chicken legs!!!
Oh no. She is going to pillow bump it like Beyoncé.
St. Jude’s is my big one. I also will usually give to Fisher House plus tithing to the church.
I’m from Tennessee too and thought, “Oh my gosh, that is so Tennessee.”
My natural hair color is brownie batter (and I'm extremely pale so I always looked like Wednesday Addams or Winona Ryder) but I've been dying it for almost 20 years to a lighter brown with red tones. I dread when it comes time to stop dying it though.
I told my husband that I am irrationally not ok with this. Chris Evans was supposed to be mine. He can only find happiness with me.
Not necessarily. I'm about her size (my BMI is around 16) and I've had two kids. I got pregnant the first month we were trying on both of them. Being underweight can affect your fertility but not necessarily.
Yep! And I love being charged extra for a haircut too. I get the extra for coloring my hair because they use two bowls of dye. But a haircut??? And stop complaining about how your arm is tired for drying my hair.
I have the same problem. My hair just can't figure out what it wants to be—other than grey.
OMG, I would geek out so bad! I lived in Atlanta when they were filming CA:Civil War and lived in hopes of meeting him.
I’m United Methodist. We were taught that the Bible was inspired by God but written by man. Therefore, it is fallible. Of course, you also go to a Bible study and ask the minister what a passage means and he will reply that he doesn’t know and asks what you think it means. We are taught to apply reason when…
I have gone to those parts too and haven't experienced it. Honestly, I faced more harassment in India than here. In India, I wouldn't go out without my husband.
Also here in Qatar! I don't find it hard at all. What people don't understand is that they are truly very respectful of women. It is just very traditional and conservative. If you have a modicum of common sense, you have nothing to fear.
That’s sad. I live in Qatar and feel safer than I did living in America. I have found the local men to be very respectful. I go out with my kids by myself all the time. My children definitely have more freedom than they did in the States. As far as “illegal”, it isn't hard. Don't drink in public, don't do obsessive…
I joked with a friend who is European that I don't speak Celsius. LOL.