The Voice of Reason

LOL I'm a Christian and always made a wrestler in the WWF/WWE games named Black Moses. Looking forward to this.

Fans of the films.

To be fair, a microwave is much more useful than anything Obama has written on.

Dr. Who is going to get you.

Sarah Connor Chronicles was actually good and did what the series had needed to do for a while: FOCUS ON THE STORY INSTEAD OF ARNOLD.


It's a very complex situation. Basically, businesses are cutting back on full time jobs so they won't have to be forced to pay for employee's healthcare. That's the biggest issue; We have record unemployment on top of having a law that forces people to pay for something they mostly don't want or can't afford. Most

I thought it was a good job of attacking the website myself. Of course, I didn't really get that's what they were going for until they brought in the Sebellius expy. Then I LOL'ed hard, because well, it's true. The website sucks and there is no way it will ever work and needs to be taken down.


That's pretty much it.