What about a mainstream actor who's done explicit or disturbing sex scenes? I can watch Jennifer Connelley in, say House of Sand and Fog without thinking "Ass to ass!"
What about a mainstream actor who's done explicit or disturbing sex scenes? I can watch Jennifer Connelley in, say House of Sand and Fog without thinking "Ass to ass!"
Anything's possible. I mean Courtney Love cleaned up, albeit briefly, and did those two Forman films. She obviously wasn't a porn star, but America doesn't love braying female ex-junkies any more dearly.
I wish I could wear stockings like that without getting thigh-fat spillover at the tops.
Are you baiting us with the "pony" thing?
@JessicaLovejoy: Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, ACK!: Ooh. I remember that delightful story in Bust! Especially that appetizing detail.
I am Diablo Cody! Seriously. I thought everyone knew that. I've never seen a "fake me" comment here.
@jenvegas: You make a good point, but I don't like most mommyblogs for the same reason I don't like fansites: fawning, unbiased, obsessive coverage of the same subject day in and day out. It has nothing to do with wanting mothers to be voiceless or disenfranchised.
Not to be Little Miss Echo Chamber, but I fucking adore her. If I ever meet her I'm going to shit myself. She defies so many tired Hollywood assumptions about what women can and can't do, and she's managed to strike that perfect "fame level." (Though I'd be happy to see a picture of her butt on the beach.)
I love Dooce, and I think Heather is incredibly brave for discussing her postpartum depression so candidly.
See, I especially despise the studies about how babies "prefer" big eyes, symmetrical faces, etc. I thought infants loved their mommas unconditionally— now I have to worry that my (hypothetica) crotchling will secretly despise my squinty, wonky face?
Weirdly enough, my cute ex-husband worked on this box design, and he says that General Mills was really paranoid about showing a belly button. (I thought they got over that shit with Barbara Eden in 1968, but whatever.) Anyway, they insisted on the weird-colored undershirt.
Holy shit, this is going to be awesome. Tina Fey is my heroine. I want to inject her and listen to jazz.
I'm imagining a studio audience shouting "Go Ricki! Go Ricki!" and pumping their fists while Ricki labors in the tub.
I'm ordinarily a shameless, weeping bag-whore, but that thing is so underwhelming.
Pale, expressive binge-drinkers don't typically age so well.
I'm 29, lady! I got the documents to prove it. Heavy drinking has likely taken it's toll, though. At least I've enjoyed myself.
@Piranha426: Thank you! In real life, Ellen is a lot more mellow than Juno. The voice and walk she used for the character are very distinct from her own. But she seems so excited and cute on that Letterman clip— she really does sound a lot like Juno. Makes my heart swell, it does.
After I saw this documentary last year, I starting peppering normal conversation with "Get it, girl!" The gays are the best part!
I picked the Sonic Youth song— Ellen and Jason Reitman picked the Moldy Peaches stuff.
I love that people actually answered my rhetorical question! Reminds me of that "Hot or Not" site that used to be cool— ah yes, 2001 was a very good year for the Internet. Anyone else miss Mahir? No?