
I'm sure it's already been said, but here's a perfect example of why I won't when it comes to TV. Providers don't understand why people don't stop pirating? Convenience. Why would I wait a least a day+ to pay for a TV episode that just aired with shitty DRM when I can get the same content much faster, without ads

ouch, i figured if it could withstand a drop out of a helicopter then it could take mostly anything.

Otterbox? My Coast Guard friend dropped his phone about 200 feet down onto the surface of air aircraft carrier and it was fine. His fellow soldiers phone that fell into the ocean did not fair as well.

The latest version of Flash now carries an auto-update feature which runs silently, so for the people that click the cancel button on the Flash update popup finally get updated and saves them from the multitude of spyware based on flash based exploits.

THANK YOU. A real time AV product and an on demand scanner have NO effect on each other for that exact reason, they don't run concurrently.

usenet all the way. i missed the first 40 minutes of southland one night and the 720p rip of it was posted up literally 5 minutes after the show ended. I dont know of any private TV trackers although there are a few.

I believe its called waffles now, dropped the ball on moving my account over :|

Private trackers are great if you are a torrent person. I was on Oink back in the day and never followed up to get an invite over to their new site. But torrents really pale in comparison to Usenet, been a Giganews user for almost 4 years and never really had an issue finding anything besides a select few older

Blame the developers.

Taco Bell and my digestive system engage in an epic end all war whenever the 2 of them meet face to face. But I do like Doritos though....

one of my coworkers actually asked everyone if anyone has had one yet, which got into a discussion of white castle runs at 3AM after boozing. awful haha

people also look for reasons to justify what they do. The only person that can really say what's best for you is you.

yes i agree, the media tends to add that scare factor to things and the issue of weight and food is among one of them.

i agree, walmart has increased its selection of health related products. but try finding any decent selection of fruits and vegetables. there is a certain degree of laziness involved though which you really cant fix unless said individual wants to be healthy.

anything partially hydrogenated is a big no no though, aka trans fat. your body just simply doesnt process it.

hence the word partially, out of sight out of mind. another real problem is the a lot of people dont have easily accessible access to healthier food. which again, isn't their fault since they choose to buy it, but would probably make things a little easier.

it really is common fucking sense. stop eating crap food and get off your couch.

anything refined, such as HFCS, is not natural and tend not to be any good for the human body.

solution: create your own domain, list yourself as the registrant and your wife or whoever you want to as the admin contact :-)

im sure his 5'5 150LB self will have tons of fun in jail.