I never browse the web without ABP and never seen any ads in gmail :]
I never browse the web without ABP and never seen any ads in gmail :]
nothing citied in that article at all. i take it with a grain of salt.
your source for #2 is WIKIPEDIA. fail.
hmm, didnt know that. i cant wait until this tech becomes readily available for a not so astronomically high price tag.
looks awesome, im sure power consumption is probably reduced as well using all LED's for backlighting as well.
i guess thats just the curse of technology too :\
im picking one up tomorrow that took 2 months to come in. should i cancel this crap and wait for the new one or is the screen really the only difference? and how much of a difference is it really?
well, anyone that has done this you can kiss it goodbye. verizon should catch on to this real quick since its on here.
ah a fellow long islander.
some cc companies including discover and bank of america offer one time use card numbers. log into your account, put in an amount and it issues you a one time use for that amount. been around for a few years now.
Fair enough, I'm not a heavy drinker and if I do shots I always make sure to have a beer readily available :-)
add this to the many reasons why i dont drink soda
this is AMAZING.
I hear ya, hopefully it doesn't turn out to be a flop. Personally, I never really liked Google Reader so I am hoping this will work for me.
you also need to take into account that this is a brand spanking new product. google reader has been out for a couple of years now I believe. imagine where this will be then? ;)
I am sure they have other methods of load balancing traffic during launches of big titles.
torrents are garbage, usenet ftw. i just hit 11TB on giganews last month after 3 years of service and i never have an issue with speed. maxes out the 35mbps FIOS pipe each and every time :-)
clear channel must be making a fortune off all the royalty and usage fees all these streaming services are paying them to stream their content.
i just saw 17 year old pregnant teen, stopped reading the article and laughed.