
That acclaim goes to North Hempstead, the #2 spot.

Interesting. I wonder how they can actually verify your homeowner's insurance.

what brand UPS was it? most offer a dollar protection amount in case they fail. APC for example offers at least $25K on most consumer based units.

as a type 1 diabetic, this is awesome news. the potential of this research is unreal and probably has even more potential as we learn more about it.

the LI hardcore scene has been reposting this and donating for the past 2 days tremendously.

WOO thunderbolt! awesome, let me buy some accessories that utilize it...oh wait.

So essentially you are just installing this side by side with 10.6, kind of like using BootCamp to use OSX and Windows side by side.

i have suddenly become extremely itchy and paranoid.

the numbering of the games is different.

i like how they tout it as the first "professional grade" tablet. *rolls eyes*

helps if i actually watch the video

nutritional facts or gtfo.

for everyone screaming death penalty/public beheadings/castrations, just wait till they get to jail. even the worst felons convicted of violent crimes (murder, robbery, assault, etc) don't take too kindly to pedophiles and rapists and make sure they know about it.

my life became that much better once i discovered the ca hostname that every gawker site is using.

TRIM support? Well its about time Apple, SSD's have only been out for a few years....

ive been meaning to pick up an apple tv 2 for xbmc ever since they announced its $100 price tag...i suppose its apple tax exempt.

@allstaraugustine: lol if you only knew. 10 points if you can guess what my avatar is.